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Are Jihadists Crazy?

Muslims who kill in the name of their religion frequently evade punishment in Western courts by pleading insanity or mental incompetence… Continue reading

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Obama: ‘Son of Islam’?

Invited on “Morning Joe” last Tuesday to discuss Christian persecution, the hosts turned the focus to interrogating Graham on whether he thought President Barack Obama was Christian or not… Continue reading

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Why We Need Words Like ‘Islamist’

Is the problem Islam or Islamism? Muslims or Islamists?… Continue reading

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‘Islamophobia’ Defense Succeeds for Shooter of Aussie Cop

An Australian Muslim was acquitted of attempting to kill or grievously injure a police officer, based in part on the judge’s decision that… Continue reading

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Unmasking A False Friend of the West: Salah Uddin Shoaib Choudhury

My continued investigation of the self-styled ‘Muslim Zionist,’ false friend of the West, shows that he has lied completely about his past… Continue reading

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Palestinians: Poll Shows Overwhelming Support for Islamism

I’m always a bit wary of using public opinion polls in the Middle East because much depends on the day the poll is done… Continue reading

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Egypt: The Reality of the Muslim Brotherhood

This analysis of the Muslim Brotherhood, written by Tarek Heggy, is one of the best written recently. This analysis might also reflect what Egypt’s… Continue reading

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Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood Will Abrogate Peace Treaty with Israel

We have been repeatedly assured in the media — on the basis of no evidence — that if the Muslim Brotherhood comes to power in a coalition or even directly that the radical Islamist group… Continue reading

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Concerns in Iran over South Sudan Referendum

This week, Iran’s conservative press expressed dissatisfaction with and concern over the referendum held in Sudan, in which the African residents of southern Sudan will decide if they… Continue reading

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The Slow Disappearance of Turkey’s Jewish Community

A study by Rifat N. Bali on Turkey’s Jewish community for the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs’ (JCPA) Institute for Global Jewish Affairs. It’s the December 2010 publication in the Changing Jewish Communities Lecture Series… Continue reading

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Iranian Lawmakers to Join Asia to Gaza Convoy in Syria

Seven Iranian lawmakers are to join the Gaza-bound Asian aid convoy in Syria, Iranian Students News Agency [IRNA] reported last Tuesday. The Asia to Gaza Solidarity Caravan arrived in Iran on Wednesday is to pass Turkey and Syria to reach respectively… Continue reading

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Turkey’s Brinkmanship Against Israel

The Gaza Flotilla was a well-calculated stunt by Turkey’s Islamist AKP government to punish Israel, not only for the Islamists’ inherent hatred for Israel and Jews, but also for Israel’s past… Continue reading

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Bring Back the Caliphate

The Islamists’ embrace of Osman, a descendant of the westernized Ottoman sultans, provides a periscope into the Islamist mind: Islamism is not about religion or reality. Rather it is a myth and a subversion of reality intended to promote Islamism… Continue reading

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Obama’s True Beliefs

“Barack Hussein Obama is merely doing what he thinks is necessary… and he will continue doing it as long as it keeps him in power…” Continue reading

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Kyrgyzstan Coup Through Iranian Eyes

The coup in the former Soviet republic of Kyrgyzstan, in which masses of demonstrators managed to topple the government of President Kurmanbek Bakiyev and force him out of his country, drew considerable interest in Iran as well… Continue reading

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Al-Gaddafi calls for Jihad on Switzerland and Zionists

It’s no surprise that in his call for Jihad on Switzerland, he also mentions the zionists (meaning Israel) as enemies of Islam. As a militant Islamic leader he has no sympathy for Israel or zionists and takes… Continue reading

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Britain as a Focus for Hamas Political, Propaganda and Legal Activities in Europe

For more than a decade, Britain has been a focus for Hamas’ political, propaganda and even legal activities in Europe. As far as Hamas is concerned, such activities have been successful and produced results. In fact, Hamas, with Muslim Brotherhood support, has managed to take over… Continue reading

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A muslim can never commit genocide

Today I read an article about the Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan, also leader of the muslim-conservative AK party in Turkey, who reportedly has said: “It’s not possible for a Muslim to commit genocide.”… Continue reading

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Magen David Adom

In 1918, the last year of the first World War, more than 1500 jewish men and women in Palestine (the countries jewish population was then about 60.000) enlisted in an all-jewish volunteer fighting unit, the jewish legion. Five hundred of the volunteers were young women and girls who enrolled in an auxiliary service of the legion to provide medical care for the wounded soldiers. Modelled on the Red Cross, the service was given the name Magen David Adom (which means “Red Shield of David”, but also known as the Red Star of David). A selected number of its members served in military hospitals, and their emblem, the Red Shield of David, was recognized by the British Military Government. Shortly after the end of the War, the service was disbanded… Continue reading

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Is verkrachting van gevangenen toegestaan in Islam

Volgens een invloedrijke religieuze Sjiitische leider in Iran is dwang bij ondervraging in de vorm van verkrachting, marteling en drugs toegestaan, zolang het tegenstanders betreft van de Islamitische Republiek. Deze Sjiitische leider, Mesba-Yazdi, is een persoonlijke geestelijk adviseur van President Ahmadinejad van Iran… Continue reading

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Wafa Sultan about Islam

If you own a computer and hadn’t heard the name “Wafa Sultan” prior to last February, you were bound to have become familiar with it since then. A record eight million hits and counting have been charted on a six-minute video clip – originally subtitled and circulated on the Web by the Middle East Media Research Institute – in which Sultan, a Syrian-born, Los Angeles-based pundit (trained as a psychiatrist) slams Al Jazeera host Faisal al-Qasim and guest Ibrahim Al-Khouli about the ills of Islam… Continue reading