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Egypt: Christian Exodus

After the Egyptian Revolution, this is what the Copts in Egypt get… Continue reading

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In September, Obama’s Middle East Policy Will Collapse

Prediction: In September, President Barack Obama’s Middle East policy blows up in his (and our) face(s)… Continue reading

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U.S. Policy: To Understand the Middle East Why Not Study The Real Middle East?

A lot of people may think that I’m too tough on President Barack Obama and the New York Times. Yet every day they do something that… Continue reading

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Obama’s Middle East Speech: The Opposite of Strategy Is Catastrophe

President Barack Obama’s big Middle East speech is extraordinarily important. I think that it has been largely misinterpreted… Continue reading

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President Obama’s Abandonment of America

Before we get into what the speech means for Israel, it is important to consider what it means for America… Continue reading

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Obama’s Muslim Outreach 2.0: Doing business with the Muslim Brotherhood

President Obama’s latest paean to what he calls “the Muslim world,” delivered at the State Department today, was an exercise in whistling past the… Continue reading

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Obama: Muslim Outreach 2.0

On Thursday, President Obama will “reach out” yet again to what he insists on calling “the Muslim world.” Think of it as… Continue reading

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A Brief Guide to Why 1948 Was a Palestinian Arab and Arab Disaster

In 1947 the UN voted to partition the British mandate of Palestine into a Jewish and an Arab state. The Jews accepted partition… Continue reading

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Tell Me What They’re Reading and I’ll Tell You Who Will Win?

There’s an interesting point about pre-World War One Europe that applies very well to today’s international situation as well… Continue reading

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The Middle East: The Possible/Probable Main Crisis for 2012

Save this note. Last year I predicted that Egypt’s instability might well be the big story of 2011. Why wait until December… Continue reading

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By The End of This Year Egypt Might Be Run By a Radical Islamist Regime

I’m not saying this lightly. For the first time, there is serious evidence not only for an Islamist-controlled parliament but even… Continue reading

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President Obama’s “Reset” of Relations with Muslims and a Massacre in Pakistan

There’s something particularly poignant about news that at least 80 people were killed in Charsadda, Pakistan, by a Taliban attack on a… Continue reading

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The Roots of U.S. Policy Insanity in the Middle East and the Cure

Why is U.S. and European policy toward the Middle East so off-base, and why do policymakers believe the strange things they think and… Continue reading

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The Main Points of the Fatah-Hamas Reconciliation Agreement

On May 3 a reconciliation agreement was signed in Cairo between Fatah and Hamas. The signing was attended by… Continue reading

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U.S. Middle East Policy Becomes Clinically Insane

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s latest pronouncements are just plain horrifying. Consider what she said… Continue reading

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Israel’s New Neighbor Egypt: Radical Nationalist President; Islamist-Dominated Parliament

Amr Moussa, probably Egypt’s next president, has given a comprehensive picture of his views, a foretaste of the likely policies… Continue reading

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Why The Palestinian Authority-Hamas Deal Is So Dangerous

The Fatah-Hamas decision to reconcile, form a joint Palestinian Authority (PA) government and hold elections seems to be a… Continue reading

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Muslim Brotherhood: Obama’s Chosen Partner for Promoting American Interests in the Arab World

Barack Obama, President of Israel’s best friend and ally, has picked the Muslim Brotherhood movement of the Middle East as his chosen partner… Continue reading

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Egypt: Amr Moussa Vows Tough Israel Policy if Elected President

Amr Moussa, the outgoing Arab League chief and leading candidate for Egypt’s presidency, said Friday that if elected he would break with… Continue reading

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Egypt: Situation Deteriorating Badly and Rapidly, More Muslim Attacks on Egyptian Christians

In the wake of bloody Muslim attacks on Egyptian Christians the New York Times informs us… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: The Muslim Brothers in Syria: Could They Win an Election here?

In the wake of former VP Khaddam’s flirtation with the Muslim Brotherhood’s exiled leadership in January, and Hamas’s recent electoral victory… Continue reading

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Will the Arab Uprisings Result in the Emergence of a Sunni Bloc Dominated by Turkey?

Against the background of the fall of the autocratic regimes in Tunisia and Egypt, the massive demonstrations in Yemen, Syria and Bahrain… Continue reading

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Bin Laden’s Posthumous Fans

As so often happens, a peripheral issue has taken over the Western debate regarding the killing of Usama bin Laden… Continue reading

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Progress? Now Even Egypt’s Religious Establishment Hates America

This is the kind of serious development that everyone better pay close attention to if they want to understand what’s going on in the Middle East… Continue reading

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Mass Media Nonsense and Western Blindness

It is amazing what nonsense appears in the mass media. Consider the following paragraph from a Washington Post story… Continue reading