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Egypt’s Military Deployed along Gaza Border

Egyptian security forces beefed up their presence along the border with the Gaza Strip on Sunday in a bid to stop Hamas operatives from crossing… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: Egypt’s Strategic Importance to the U.S.

U.S.- Egypt military relationship is strong, but should change to reflect new regional and transnational threats… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: Police Brutality in Egypt

The US ambassador in Cairo describes how police still resort to torturing activists deemed a political threat… Continue reading

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The Revolt in Egypt and U.S. Policy

There is no good policy for the United States regarding the uprising in Egypt but the Obama Administration may be adopting something close to the worst option… Continue reading

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The Egyptian Revolt: I’m Worried that Others Aren’t Worried

It is tempting to see this as a revolution that will bring down the regime. But Egypt is not Tunisia. And while the demonstrations are passionate… Continue reading

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Thousands of Egyptian Protesters Defy Curfew, Violence Continues

A massive crowd of tens of thousands calling for the ouster of Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak gathered in the streets and squares of downtown Cairo Saturday evening… Continue reading

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Iran Asks Egypt to Meet Public Demands Despite Its Own Crackdown on the Green Movement

Iran expects Egyptian officials to listen to the voice of their Muslim people, respond to their rightful demands and refrain from exerting violence by security forces and… Continue reading

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Saudi King Condemns Egypt Protesters, Warns for Instability

Saudi Arabia’s king condemned protesters in Egypt on Saturday as “infiltrators and looters” seeking to destabilize their country… Continue reading

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Wave of Mass Protests in Arab World: Jordan Next

Thousands of Jordanian opposition supporters took to the streets Friday in the country’s capital demanding the prime minister step down and venting their anger at rising prices… Continue reading

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Mubarak Promises to Install New Government

Mubarak not stepping down, will appoint new government on Saturday. “I have asked the government to present its resignation today”… Continue reading

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The Fate of Egypt’s Government?

Will the Muslim Brotherhood come to power in Egypt and thus change the balance in the Middle East in favor of the Islamists… Continue reading

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Massive Demonstrations in Egypt; curfew announced

Military deploys in Cairo after mass demonstrations against President Mubarak claim lives of man and woman, al-Jazeera reports. Former IAEA chief ElBaradei placed under house arrest… Continue reading

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Egypt’s Defense Minister Bids for US Backing in Washington

Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak has sent his defense minister Field Marshal Mohamed Hussein Tantawi to Washington with an urgent request for US backing for his embattled… Continue reading

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Hamas Exploiting Tunisian ‘Intifada’ as Islamist Challenge to Arab Nationalism

Hamas spokesmen (mostly unofficial) praise the popular Tunisian intifada (uprising) and expect a domino effect to lead to the downfall of Mahmoud Abbas and other pro-Western “dictatorial regimes.” However… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: Switzerland and Counter-Terrorism

A released WikiLeaks cable reveals that Switzerland believes Islamist groups could use the country as a transit point, logistics center, or haven for terrorist finances… Continue reading

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The Asian Convoy Reaches the Gaza Strip; the Libyan Convoy Sets Out

One hundred twenty members of the Asian flotilla who left India on December 5 entered the Gaza Strip on January 2, 2011. Because the receipt of Egyptian authorization was delayed they entered a… Continue reading

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Muslim Brotherhood Aims to Overthrow Egypt’s Regime

The Egyptian government so arranged the parliamentary elections that the share of seats held by the opposition declined from 20 percent for Muslim Brotherhood supporters alone to only… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: Hosni Mubarak, Egypt’s President-for-Life

A secret American assessment suggests Hosni Mubarak intends to seek another presidential term in 2011 despite his advanced years, that the election will not be free or fair, and that he will likely stay in office until he… Continue reading

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Poll Reveals Frightening Popularity of Revolutionary Islamism

There’s a lot of interesting material in the Pew Foundation’s latest poll of the Middle East, a survey that focuses on attitudes toward Islamism and revolutionary Islamist groups. The analysis that accompanies the poll… Continue reading

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Events Marking the 23rd Anniversary of the Founding of Hamas

On December 14 Hamas celebrated its 23rd anniversary. The day was marked with various events and festivities throughout the Gaza Strip and in Damascus. A press release detailed Hamas’ fundamental positions, which have not changed since the movement was founded… Continue reading

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Egypt Arrests Hundreds of Islamists Ahead of Elections

On Sunday, Muslim Brotherhood lawyer Abdel Monem Abdel Maqsoud, said that the current clampdown against Muslim Brotherhood’s candidates and their supporters has noticeably increased during the past few days with… Continue reading

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Egyptian Authorities Refused To Allow 17 Activists To Enter The Gaza Strip

Egyptian authorities refused to allow 17 activists from the Viva Palestina convoy to enter the Gaza Strip. Those denied entry included Viva Palestina leader George Galloway, several activists who had been aboard the Mavi Marmara, Muslim Brotherhood activists, and participants in the confrontation with… Continue reading

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Egypt Continues Restrictions on Entrance of Convoys and Activists

The Egyptian authorities, who recently permitted the Viva Palestina convoy to enter the Gaza Strip, continue supervising the crossing and imposing restrictions on the entrance of activists and convoys into the Gaza Strip… Continue reading

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Hamas Leader criticizes Western Values, Promises Continuation of Jihad Against Israel

Senior Hamas figure Mahmoud al-Zahar was recently interviewed by several Arab and Western media. He used an opportunity to strongly attack Western values and the West’s lifestyle (particularly tolerance for homosexuality, secularism, gender equality and… Continue reading

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Jordan’s King: Tensions, Conflicts and Violence Will Continue If Peace Talks Fail

King Abdullah II of Jordan on Thursday urged intensified international efforts to make progress in resolving the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, the state-run Petra news agency reported. At a meeting with Egyptian Foreign Minister Ahmad Abu El Gheit and… Continue reading