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The Philosopher of Islamic Terror – part 3

”To exterminate”, that was Qutb’s phrase. Hysteria cried out from every syllable. But he did not want to be hysterical. He wanted to respond. How?… Continue reading

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Islamism versus Nationalism

Forget about the moderate mythology fed the Western public by its media. Forget the comforting nonsense about reasonable masses held back from being humanitarian democrats only by manipulative dictatorships. Here’s a glimpse of what the region is really like… Continue reading

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The Resistance Strategy

“Resistance” is the slogan used by Syria, Hamas, and Hizballah especially but also is used by Iran’s regime, other Lebanese supporters of the Iran-Syria bloc, and assorted radicals throughout the region. While the word has echoes for any Western… Continue reading

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Islamic Anti-Semitism as a Political Instrument

Anti-Semitism, that is, anti-Jewishness and anti-Judaism, is intensifying throughout the Muslim World. The significance of this virulent anti-Jewishness and anti-Judaism coming from the Muslim World is in that this type of anti-Semitism goes beyond the hatred it espouses. Anti-Jewishness and anti-Judaism constitute a major political instrument… Continue reading

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Radical Islamism – a prologue

A young American named Ramy Zamzam, arrested in Pakistan for trying to fight alongside the Taliban, responded in an interview with the Associated Press: “We are not terrorists. We are jihadists, and jihad is not terrorism… Continue reading

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Al-Tawthiq and its Anti-Israel Campaign

A Hamas “ministry of justice” committee called Al-Tawthiq (Documentation) claims to be behind the arrest warrant issued in Britain for former Israeli Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni. It is part of the Hamas campaign to pursue Israelis in Europe in the name of the victims of Operation Cast Lead… Continue reading

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How Nazi Propaganda influenced Radical and Political Islam

Between 1939 and 1945, shortwave radio transmitters near Berlin broadcast Nazi propaganda in many languages around the world, including Arabic throughout the Middle East and North Africa, and Persian programs in Iran. English-language transcripts of the Arabic broadcasts shed light on a particularly dark chapter in the globalization of pernicious ideas… Continue reading

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Goldstone Report: blocking the truth of the Gaza War

Was the UN commission’s approach one-sided against Israel, or unbiased and objective as commission chairman Richard Goldstone contended? Statements of Palestinians recorded by the commission and posted on the UN website provide authentic evidence of the commission’s methodology and raise serious questions about its intentions to discover the truth… Continue reading