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How to Understand Islamism: Read What its Leaders Actually Say

It’s easy to see why al-Qaradawi is the leading Sunni Islamist thinker in the world today… Continue reading

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Obama Doctrine: Backing Middle East Radicals After 10 Previous Western Failures

History has shown that backing radical Arabic-speaking states or movements to redo the regional order have all ended badly… Continue reading

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Wilders in Australia and the “Islamic Problem” – Part 1

Part 1 of Geert Wilders in Australia and the “Islamic Problem”… Continue reading

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Why the CIA Director is Wrong: Rethinking al-Qaida

It’s time, a dozen years after September 11 and following Islamist coups in the Middle East, to rethink completely our view of al-Qaida… Continue reading

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Obama Says: I’m Backing Democracy and Human Rights; Egyptian Human Rights’ Activist: Not True!

We are continually told that Obama’s policy has been supportive of democracy and human rights, but this is not true at all… Continue reading

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A Look Back at Forty Years of Middle East Analysis

My main goal of forty years of Middle East analysis has been trying to explain the Middle East as it actually exists, how its politics work, and how its history can be understood… Continue reading

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The U.S. versus the ‘Shi’ite Crescent’?

Is U.S. Middle East policy aligned with the ‘Sunni bloc’ in a grand sectarian alliance against the ‘Shi’ite crescent’?… Continue reading

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Why Obama Should Postpone Giving Advanced Weapons to Egypt: A Guide for Congress

Obama should have to pay for his pro-Islamist behavior in public opinion and the loss of congressional support… Continue reading

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On Mistaking Mohamed Mursi For His Mask

2012 will likely be remembered as the year that Islamists made the greatest gains in their quest for a new caliphate in the region… Continue reading

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Western Leftists Back Islamists; Arab Counterparts Are Their Victims

The Western left were for decades apologists for repression carried out by the USSR, Soviet bloc, and other communist dictatorships, and now they are apologists for Islamist repression carried out against Arab leftists… Continue reading

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Won’t Syria Be Obama’s Main Middle East Crisis in 2013?

The Syrian civil war will go on until one side wins and the other loses. And a lot more people are going to die… Continue reading

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U.S. Policy is Making Syria into an Anti-Western, Antisemitic Islamist State

Western policy is now putting into power yet another anti-Western regime that will oppress its own people and put a high priority on trying to wipe out Israel… Continue reading

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Egypt “Democratically” Adopts an Anti-Western Dictatorship

What are the next steps for Mursi?… Continue reading

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Why Islamists Always Win “Fair” Elections

How politics work in the Arabic-speaking world today… Continue reading

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Analyzing Egypt

Whatever the outcome from the upcoming referendum to begin on Saturday in Egypt for the draft constitution, the superior position of the Islamist factions is unlikely to be overthrown in the near future… Continue reading

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Who Will Rule Syria? A Detailed Assessment

The civil war in Syria is moving into the end-game… Continue reading

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A Turning Point in Egypt: Not on Direction But on the Speed of Islamist Transformation

A critical moment has arrived for Egypt. But what does it mean?… Continue reading

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“Obey The Prophet, Even If He Tells You To Kill”

Dr. Yusuf al-Qaradawi maintains that Muslims must obey the commands of Islam’s prophet Muhammad, even unto murder… Continue reading

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The Interview: “Explaining the Latest Middle East Developments” (No Satire)

Revised and updated version of an interview Barry Rubin gave recently… Continue reading

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Egypt’s New Constitution: Laying the Basis for an Islamist, Sharia State

Egypt’s population will be given two weeks to consider the Constitution, which has 236 articles, that will govern their lives for decades to come… Continue reading

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For Turkey as a Model in the Middle East, America Remains Crucial

The Turkish presumption to be a “model” for the Middle East will be undermined if the United States were to withdraw from the affairs of the region… Continue reading

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Revolutionary Islamism Overshadows the “New Egypt”

What are the early warning signs of an Islamist totalitarian state… Continue reading

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The Islamist Regime’s Game Plan for Egypt

What’s been happening in Egypt this week is as important as the revolution that overthrew the old regime almost two years ago… Continue reading

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Who Won The Latest Israel-Hamas War?

Naturally the question of who won any given war preoccupies people’s minds… Continue reading