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The Muslim Brotherhood in Jordan

The Muslim Brotherhood in Jordan, whose members are both trans-Jordanian and Palestinian in origin, is the main opposition in the country… Continue reading

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The Muslim Brotherhood in Syria

The Muslim Brotherhood was established in Syria in 1945 by disciples of Hassan al-Banna. At first it focused on educational and societal activities… Continue reading

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The Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt

Following the uprisings in the Arab world and since the overthrow of the Mubarak regime, the status of the Muslim Brotherhood has risen significantly both in Egypt and with the international community… Continue reading

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After the Arab Spring, Salafists are Moving Closer to Changing the Face of the Maghreb

Now the initial euphoria about the Arab revolts has subsided, it’s clear the ‘Arab Spring’ will not bring a liberal, secular, Western (or Islamic) model of democracy to the Arab world… Continue reading

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U.S. Government and Media Cheer Muslim Brotherhood Regime in Egypt

A year ago we were told that Egypt was going to become a moderate democratic state ruled by hip Facebook kids. Now Egypt is going to become a moderate Islamist republic ruled by the Muslim Brotherhood… Continue reading

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The Syrian Uprising: Syria’s Struggling Civil Society

Authoritarian regimes have traditionally been disinclined to accept any political or social opposition and have been hostile to the development of an independent civil society that could form a counterweight to state power… Continue reading

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Free Markets Can Transform the Middle East

As the high hopes for a brave new Middle East fade rapidly, Western policymakers must recognize that promoting market economics and its inevitable cultural changes are far more critical to the region’s well-being than encouraging free elections or resolving the Arab-Israeli conflict… Continue reading

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The New Middle East: Arab versus non-Arab Muslims; Sunni versus Shia

The new Middle East strategic battle is heating up and this is only the start… Continue reading

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Is Egypt about to Elect an Islamist President?

Registering to run for president of Egypt will begin March 10. The military moved it up from April 15 to show that it is handing over power to the civilians… Continue reading

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A New Year of ‘Dhimmitude’ for Egypt’s Copts

2012 appears to be unfolding as the “year of dhimmitude” for Egypt’s Christians… Continue reading

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The Hamas Split and the Palestinian Political Mess

There’s a serious split in Hamas reflecting the growing civil war among Islamists along Sunni-Shia lines… Continue reading

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Arab Liberals Lament: Here’s How the Muslim Brotherhood is Fooling the West

Since we can’t get good coverage of the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood in the Western media, it’s necessary to turn to the Islamists’ intended victims — Arab liberals — to get a better picture… Continue reading

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America and the Arab Spring

A year ago this week, on January 25, 2011, the ground began to crumble under then-Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak’s feet… Continue reading

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Where the “Counter-Obama” View of the Middle East is Right and Where It’s Wrong

Diehl’s challenge to the critics of the mainstream thinking on the Middle East is very serious… Continue reading

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Islamist Parties Dominate Egypt’s Parliament

We’re starting to get a good picture of what the lower house of Egypt’s parliament will be like… Continue reading

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Are You Left-Wing or Right-Wing? Hopefully, I’m Honest-and-Accurate Wing

I ran into an older, retired Israeli colleague who is a fine scholar in his field and agreed to have coffee in a nearby Tel Aviv cafe. In the ensuing conversation I learned some key things about why current intellectual and political discussion is such a wreck… Continue reading

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Israel’s Options as Muslim Brotherhood Gains Power

The political history of the modern Middle East can easily be divided into three eras… Continue reading

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The Middle East in 2012: The Year of Living Dangerously

The region-wide upheaval known as “the Arab Spring” would make it seem that terrorism, especially Islamist terrorism, is pretty much as dead as are its thousands of victims… Continue reading

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Ex-Muslim Sister gives insight into Brothers’s Subjugation, Discrimination of Women and Polygamy

In a time when Western intellectuals, politicians, and journalists are trying to explain that the Muslim Brotherhood isn’t a radical Islamist group… Continue reading

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Egypt: If Tourists Can Wear Bikinis But Local Women Must Wear Chadors Does That Prove the Muslim Brotherhood is Moderate?

What if a democratically elected government decides to enforce such a system in a law legally passed by a democratically elected government? I guess that’s just democracy in action… Continue reading

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Friedman Cheers as Egyptians Are Enslaved

Many in the West have so acted toward Egypt during the last year… Continue reading

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Such a “Great” Idea It Can Now Be Proclaimed But Not Criticized: Obama Supports the Muslim Brotherhood

The Obama Administration, as I’ve written for the last year, is favoring radical Islamist forces… Continue reading

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Hamas Chief: “Islamic Spring”; Brotherhood Chief: Caliphate Soon; Western Media: Islamists Moderate, Israel Bad

A 27-year-old American-Israeli law school student decides he’s going to go to Egypt… Continue reading

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Hamas Openly Joins Muslim Brotherhood; Muslim Brotherhood Openly Joins Hamas’s War on Israel

Hamas, the Palestinian Islamist group which rules the Gaza Strip and… Continue reading

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The Muslim Brotherhood in the Arab World and Islamic Communities in Western Europe

This study examines the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and other Arab countries in the wake of the past year’s regional uprisings… Continue reading