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After the “Arab Spring”: Will Freedom Take Hold in the Arab World?

At the end of 2011 is anyone in the Arabic-speaking world better off as a result of the upheavals of the Arab Spring… Continue reading

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Coming War Threat: Terrorists Developing a Safe Haven in Egypt to Attack Israel

Do policymakers, and “experts” care what happens in the Middle East? War? Bloodshed? Repression… Continue reading

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Who’s the Leading Authority in Defining Islam? Ayatollah Western Media

The Washington Post has an article by Michael Gerson attacking Newt Gingrich’s warning that the imposition of Sharia law… Continue reading

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Hamas evacuates its Syrian external headquarters

In view of the instability of Bashar Assad’s regime, Hamas has begun evacuating its Syrian external headquarters… Continue reading

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Iranian speculations on Egypt’s Islamists: Shi’ite-style revolutionaries or Turkish-style democrats?

There have been various speculations in Iranian press on the significance of the Islamists’ victory and the nature of the Islamist faction in Egypt… Continue reading

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Middle East: We’re Going to Have a Revolution and We Can Do it the Hard Way or the Easy Way

Do I have to draw you a picture of how Islamism is just pretending to be moderate… Continue reading

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Make Way for the Muslim Brotherhood International

It’s time for the Fifth Internationale, that of the Muslim Brotherhoods… Continue reading

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How Is Obama’s Middle East Policy Endangering Israel?

Recently a reader sent me a note from an Obama supporter responding to… Continue reading

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Obama Gives a Preview of How He’ll Campaign on Foreign Policy

I think Obama genuinely believes what he’s saying… Continue reading

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Jordan Is Palestinian

Thus far the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan has weathered the storm that has swept across the Middle East… Continue reading

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Egypt: Forget Denial, The Totalitarians Won, Get Used to It

The Brotherhood will laugh last… Continue reading

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Egypt: We’ve Heard What the Majority Thinks

Let’s figure out what the voting in Egypt means in concrete terms… Continue reading

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USA: An ally no more

Under President Obama, the US government has become hostile to Israel’s national rights and strategic imperatives… Continue reading

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Obama’s Middle East Policy: A Unified Field Theory

Here’s an effort to bring together all of Obama’s regional policy into a single analysis and explaining everything… Continue reading

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French minister of Arab origin: “There is no such thing as moderate Islam”

A French junior minister said in an interview published Saturday there was no such thing as moderate Islam… Continue reading

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Hope and Change in Egypt; Naiveté and Wishful Thinking in the West

There are three arguments supporting this policy that are worth discussing in large part because… Continue reading

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Egyptian Election Outcome is Worse Than Expected

Since last February I have predicted that the Muslim Brotherhood would win elections in Egypt… Continue reading

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Are You Smarter than a Radical Islamist?

Western government officials, journalists, and “experts” seem to believe that they and liberal Arab reformers are smarter than Islamists… Continue reading

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Egyptian Moderates Throw Themselves to the Wolves

On the eve of the Egyptian election, I’m really disgusted with the collapse of the moderate forces… Continue reading

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Egypt: How to Tell Who is a “Moderate Islamist”

The Muslim Brotherhood held a rally at Cairo’s most important mosque… Continue reading

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What Do Totalitarians Do When They Gain Power Democratically?

These politicians know precisely what they want to do… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: Next Steps for Advancing Democracy in Egypt

At the time of the Bush administration… Continue reading

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Egypt: Muslim Brotherhood Versus Army: Disastrous Elections or Bloody Civil War?

Only days before parliamentary elections, Egypt is in a huge crisis whose outcome will determine the future of almost… Continue reading

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Cairo Riots: Military Junta and Muslim Brothers Alliance?

The riots in Cairo and other Egyptian cities do not count as the country’s second revolution this year… Continue reading

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Brothers in Arms: The Muslim Brotherhood Takes Over the (Sunni) Arab World

On November 28, Egyptians will vote for a parliament which will also write the country’s new constitution… Continue reading