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Why Do Western Elites Minimize Radical Threats in the Middle East?

Why cannot Western elites see this kind of lightly camouflaged extremism… Continue reading

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Syria: No Longer Revolution, It is A Civil War, A Guide to the Battle

The only honest answer to the question of what will happen in Syria is… Continue reading

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Islam: What Does “Moderate” Islamist Mean?

Are Islamist parties portrayed as more moderate or pluralistic than they actually are… Continue reading

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A Saudi Writer Explains the “Muslim Brotherhood Spring”

What we are seeing is a political Islamist tsunami… Continue reading

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Fifty Libyan ‘Islamist’ Rebels Join the Jihad against Israel

Fifty Libyan Muslim Brotherhood mercenaries arrived in the Gaza Strip from Tripoli last month… Continue reading

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Obama Administration Promotes Islamist Regimes; Insists They are Moderate

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s speech justifying Obama Administration Middle East policy changes everything… Continue reading

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The Arab Political Left and the Islamist Drive for Power

In the “good old days” of Stalinist Communism, the Left would have called the Islamists, “clerical fascists”… Continue reading

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The Battle for Egypt: The Army Strikes Back

They claim to be protecting the country from Islamic fundamentalists, who appear likely to capture a plurality of seats in parliament… Continue reading

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“Moderate Islamism?” Does It Exist?

A new term is foisted on us without serious debate or proof and we are supposed to rejoice at the triumphs of those now called “moderate Islamists”… Continue reading

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Economy: Are the Generals stealing Egypt?

After public warnings that it faces bankruptcy within a few months… Continue reading

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Libya: A Sharia State?

Libya’s transitional leader Mustafa Abdul-Jalil was quite clear about his intentions for liberated Libya… Continue reading

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Is NATO responsible for the death of Qaddafi?

Once the fact of Muammar Qaddafi’s abrupt demise on Thursday is absorbed, Libya will be left with the same power struggle between… Continue reading

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Egypt: Destroying Churches, One at a Time

What clearer sign that Egypt is turning rabidly Islamist than the fact that hardly a few weeks go by without a church being destroyed… Continue reading

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What’s happening in the Middle East: Fleeing Christians, “Moderate” Imam, Mad Turkish Leader, Syrian Revolution

Christians are fleeing the Middle East and Western Christians are indifferent… Continue reading

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Europe’s Underestimated Islamists

In early 1959, a small West German intelligence operation stumbled over a sensational find: U.S. collusion with the Muslim Brotherhood… Continue reading

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An Egyptian Mob Attacks Israel’s Embassy and Captures the Egyptian Revolution

How is Egypt’s revolution different from a real democratic revolution, as in Eastern Europe… Continue reading

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The U.S. Government’s Failed History of Muslim Outreach

When President Obama hosted his annual iftar dinner in August to commemorate Ramadan… Continue reading

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Once More Into the Swamp: The Attack on Israel’s Embassy Opens A New Era in Middle East History

The attack and looting of Israel’s embassy in Cairo is an event as significant as the seizure of the U.S. embassy in Iran… Continue reading

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Ten Years After September 11: Who’s Really Winning the War On Terrorism

Ten years after September 11, 2001, when the very phrase “war on terrorism” is barred from U.S. government usage by the president… Continue reading

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Israel’s Strategic Situation: Plenty to Worry About But Little to Fear

Since much of what I write about regional politics seems pessimistic… Continue reading

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How Anti-Semitism Prevents Peace

Despite the obsessive preoccupation with Israeli building activities in the West Bank and East Jerusalem… Continue reading

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The perils of a remilitarized Sinai

Will the Egyptian military be permitted to remilitarize the Sinai… Continue reading

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A Foretaste of The New Democratic Egypt: Radical Nationalists and “Liberal Islamists”

There is still confusion regarding some details of the terrorist assault by Gaza Palestinians affiliated with al-Qaida… Continue reading

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Israel regrets Egypt deaths, strives to reduce tension between Jerusalem and Cairo

Israel’s defense minister Barak issued a public statement of Israeli regret for the deaths of Egyptian policemen in the course of a terrorist attack… Continue reading