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After Paris: Charlie and Ahmed

Good muslim, bad muslim… Continue reading

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Jihad or Terrorism?

Or… why “moderate” Muslims rarely if ever condemn Islamic terrorism… Continue reading

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The Woolwich Killing

“We will never stop fighting you”… Continue reading

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Ankara’s Unacknowledged Genocide

The Ottoman Empire tolerated the existence of vast non-Muslim subject populations in its midst, provided they acknowledged their legal and institutional inferiority in the Islamic order of things. When these groups dared to question their subordinate status, they were brutally suppressed, and none more so than the Armenians… Continue reading

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“Obey The Prophet, Even If He Tells You To Kill”

Dr. Yusuf al-Qaradawi maintains that Muslims must obey the commands of Islam’s prophet Muhammad, even unto murder… Continue reading

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The Battle over Silwan

On the face of it, the sparring that erupted over a gate built illegally by Arab residents may seem like a miniature version of the ongoing conflict between Israelis and Palestinians over who controls the Holy Land… Continue reading

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Congressman Calls for Hearings on ‘Radicalization’ of White Christian Women

Though his position may seem balanced, in fact, it reveals a dangerous mix of irrationality, moral relativism, and emotionalism… Continue reading

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Egypt: Islamists vs. Copts

The future of Egypt’s indigenous Christians, the Copts, looks bleak… Continue reading

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Greatest Church Soon To Be Mega Mosque?

Ostensibly dealing with a building, a recent report demonstrates how Turkey’s populace is reverting to its Islamic heritage… Continue reading

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Who Gets to be the Caliph?

Who gets to be the caliph? After all, if you want to have a caliphate , as revolutionary Islamists do with much popular support among Muslims… Continue reading

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Hillary Clinton Implies: Pro-Israel Sentiment Doesn’t Reflect America

Sometimes a secretary of state is asked tough questions. How they are answered shows the underlying philosophy of official and government… Continue reading

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Islam’s Tradition of Breaking the Cross

In the recent destruction of Commonwealth war graves in Benghazi, Libya, you can see not just the desecration of graves, but attacks on crosses… Continue reading

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Why We Need Words Like ‘Islamist’

Is the problem Islam or Islamism? Muslims or Islamists?… Continue reading

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Review of the Oslo Syndrome: “The Oslo Massacre: An Israel/Palestine angle?”

An actual analysis of what I wrote on this controversial issue, understanding my points, and pointing out the misquotes… Continue reading

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Azzam’s Genocidal Threat

Of the countless threats of violence, made by Arab and Palestinian leaders in the run up to and in the wake of the… Continue reading

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Cyprus on the World Stage

Cyprus, an island near Turkey and Syria of roughly 1.3 million inhabitants, finds itself on the cusp of momentous change… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: Norwegian anti-Semitism and anti-Israel bias

These three cables from the U.S. embassy in Oslo give us a nasty view on Norway’s anti-Semitism and anti-Israel bias… Continue reading

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An Egyptian Mob Attacks Israel’s Embassy and Captures the Egyptian Revolution

How is Egypt’s revolution different from a real democratic revolution, as in Eastern Europe… Continue reading

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Egypt: Why Are Christian Girls Converting to Islam?

Few things in Islam are as liable to provoke passion and violence as the issue of conversion… Continue reading

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Are Judaism and Christianity as Violent as Islam?

There is far more violence in the Bible than in the Qur’an; the idea that Islam imposed itself by the sword is a Western fiction… Continue reading

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Pakistan’s Christian ‘Sex-Slaves’

Earlier we saw Egyptian preacher Huwaini and Kuwaiti political activist Mutairi call for the reinstitution of sex-slavery… Continue reading

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Poisoning the Well of Animal Welfare

For the first time in Western history, the physical as well as emotional pain felt by animals became a human concern three millennia ago in the Jewish Scriptures… Continue reading

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Holland: Professional “Moderate Muslim” Turns Out to be Radical, Pro-Terrorist Jihadist

Mohamed Azahaf, a 28-year-old immigrant from Morocco, was hired by the east Amsterdam district to build trust between… Continue reading

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23 Anti-Israel Organizations Affiliated with Radical Islam and Radical Left Participate in the Upcoming Freedom Flotilla 2 to Gaza

The IHH website recently posted a provisional list of 23 organizations which have signed up for Freedom Flotilla 2… Continue reading

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It’s Official: I Announce My Candidacy to be Middle East Czar for the U.S. Government

A politician needs the ability to foretell what is going to happen tomorrow, next week, next month, and next year… Continue reading