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Antisemitism: It’s Back Big Time and Nobody in Power (Really) Cares

A reliable source in Finland reports that the speaker of parliament, Ben Zyskowicz, was attacked by a man shouting antisemitic slogans… Continue reading

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The People Have Voted and Barack Obama Is Not The Next “Muslim Idol”

How can anybody continue to spout nonsense about how President Barack Obama’s policies and endless attempts to… Continue reading

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Nakba Day as Seen by Iranian Press: “Arab Spring has come to Palestine”

This week the Iranian press has widely reported the Nakba Day events, even though they were relegated to a relatively… Continue reading

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President Obama’s Middle East and North Africa Speech, May 19, 2011

Official release of President Obama’s Middle East and North Africa speech… Continue reading

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Belgium: Half of All Muslim Immigrant Children Are Antisemitic

The Flemish-language newspaper De Morgen has a major article about a survey of Muslim students in Brussels high schools… Continue reading

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Obama: Muslim Outreach 2.0

On Thursday, President Obama will “reach out” yet again to what he insists on calling “the Muslim world.” Think of it as… Continue reading

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South African anti-Israeli Islamic Organizations Organize Gaza-Bound Aid Convoy

An aid convoy to the Gaza Strip is being organized in South Africa by two anti-Israeli Islamic organizations. It is expected to leave at the end of… Continue reading

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Obama Confirms: Osama bin Laden Killed in Firefight with U.S. Forces

U.S. President Barack Obama has confirmed in a speech to the nation that Osama bin Laden, leader of the Islamic Al-Qaeda terror group, is dead… Continue reading

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Egypt: Pillar of Fire and Political Plagues Are Bad Signs

Gas flames shooting 65 feet high signal the birth of a new Middle East. That pillar of fire, unlike the Biblical one, indicates that Egyptians… Continue reading

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Westophobia: Why Do “They” Hate America? Just Listen

Why do people in certain parts of the world hate America? Some think it’s because of U.S. support of Israel or other policies… Continue reading

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Shahbaz Bhatti and the Death of Reason

My time in Pakistan was glorious. I taught bright, beautiful and hopeful students who saw the world not as a series of… Continue reading

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New Study on Hate Crimes against Muslims Contradicts Claims of Islamophobia in America

The Center for Security Policy released a groundbreaking longitudinal study, Religious Bias Crimes against Muslim, Jewish and Christian Victims… Continue reading

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Our World: Women’s surprising defenders

Every few months, we are presented with media reports about Jewish women rescued from their Muslim husbands in the Palestinian Authority or within Israel… Continue reading

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Egypt and the Middle East: Romanticism Meets Reality

The projected million-women march turned out just 400 and they were harassed and in some cases attacked. Meanwhile, thousands of Muslims and Christians… Continue reading

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Iran to Ban Keeping Pet Dogs, Considered a “Blind Imitation” of Western Culture

Keeping pet dogs, considered to be unclean (Najes) in Shi’ite law, is viewed as an expression of the corrupting influence of the West… Continue reading

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History of Jihad against the Egyptian Coptic Christians

How the Jihadis vandalized this ancient land and wiped out Christianity as well as the ancient culture of Egypt… Continue reading

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What Is Sweden’s Biggest Problem? Just Guess!

The New York Times recently ran an article on Sweden, much of it on the city of Malmo. That place has a high proportion of Muslim residents some of… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: Egyptian Society “Radicalized”, “Violence” between Muslims and Copts Regular Occurrence

Wael Aboul Magd told the delegation that “societal violence” between Muslims and Copts is a regular occurrence, but Naga Hamadi had forced Egyptian society to… Continue reading

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Changes in the Middle East? Much More Never Changes at All

In 1938 the Saudi diplomat Hafiz Wahbah secretly met with Zionist leader (and future Israeli prime minister) David Ben-Gurion… Continue reading

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Dutch Deputy Prime Minister: “Multicultural Society has Failed”

Dutch Deputy Prime Minister Maxime Verhagen said Tuesday in the Dutch television show “College Tour” that multiculturalism had failed… Continue reading

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Iranian Students Urge Muslims to Chant ‘Allah-o-Akbar’ in Solidarity with Egyptians, Tunisians

The Association of Unity among Muslim Students called on Muslims around the world to chant ‘Allah-o-Akbar’ (God is Great) slogan on Thursday night in a unified move to voice their solidarity… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: A quickfire Tour of Muslim Britain

Two US officials dip into Muslim communities in Luton, Leicester and east London and are struck by the range of opinions and cultures on display… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: Indian Muslims Reject Extremist Creeds

India’s over 150 million Muslim population is largely unattracted to extremism. India’s growing economy, vibrant democracy, and inclusive culture, encourage Muslims to seek success and social mobility in the mainstream and… Continue reading

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Palestinians No Peace Partner: Delegitimization of Israel Continues

Khaled Mashaal, head of the Hamas political bureau, gave a speech at the founding convention held in Damascus of “The national authority for adherence to Palestinian principles.” He noted five basic “principles” which he said most of the Palestinians… Continue reading

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Obama, The Selective Bully

President Obama waffles about Iran and is “appalled” at the behavior of the Iran Super Leader toward the brave Iranian protesters as he decides whether strong condemnation may interfere with his plan to charm the Iranian leaders out of developing nuclear weapon, but he has no qualms about bullying Israel… Continue reading