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Trying To Bring Reality Into the Debate On Islam and Islamism

People are fascinated by the discussion over Islam and seem hungry for some honest and accurate analysis on it. So let me continue to try to bring reality into this debate. Now I know too many Muslims and how they act in practice to accept some mechanistic model that they respond like robots to the presence of radical concepts in… Continue reading

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Geert Wilders’ Speech at Ground Zero, September 11, 2010

Here, on this sacred spot. We are here in the spirit of America’s founding fathers. We are here in the spirit of freedom. We are here in the spirit of Abraham Lincoln, the President who freed the slaves. President Lincoln said: “Those who deny freedom to others, deserve it not for… Continue reading

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Israel, Islamism and the War Within Islam

I would stress that “Islam” as a religion functioning in the world is not at war with anyone as such. There are those who want to steer Islam toward an active war against how the majority of Muslims live at present and almost all the governments… Continue reading

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The Religion of Peace and the Crusades

Now let us deal with the serious deficiencies in the Muslim understanding of the Crusades. Though it is now in vogue among Muslims to portray the Crusades as savage offensives… Continue reading

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France Banning Al-Aqsa TV for Inciting Hatred and Encouraging Terrorism

The French government is banning Hamas’ Al-Aqsa TV for inciting hatred and encouraging terrorism. Hamas denounced the French government’s decision… Continue reading

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Europe’s Long Road to the Mosque: Muslim Immigration

How far will European societies go in accommodating a fast- growing minority that not only faces great difficulties with social and cultural integration but is to a considerable extent opposed to it… Continue reading

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‘Gaza Flotilla’ Organizer Bülent Yıldırım at Hamas Rally in Gaza 2009

Bülent Yildirim is the main organizer of the Gaza Flotilla and his organization is linked to Islamic terror groups. The Gaza Flotilla was not a Humanitarian mission, but… Continue reading

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Footage of Mavi Marmara Militants Preparing Weaponry

The opening footage of the video shows knives, rods, wrenches, gas masks, bulletproof vests, and binoculars found on the ship and gathered at the Port of Ashdod. IDF soldiers then… Continue reading

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The IHH is a Turkish Radical Islamic Organization and Participated in the Gaza Flotilla

Prominent among the coalition organizations participating in the Gaza flotilla for the Gaza Strip is the Turkish “Insani Yardim Vakfi,” a radical Islamic organization… Continue reading

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Praising Military Slavery

If Saleh Al-Fawzan, a prominent Saudi religious figure justifies slavery in Islam, why not an Egyptian writer praise the Muslim practice of slavery… Continue reading

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“Slavery Is A Part Of Islam”

Sheik Saleh Al-Fawzan is a leading Saudi Government cleric and author of the country’s religious curriculum and he believes Islam advocates slavery. Remember that Saudi Arabia… Continue reading

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The Pseudo-Golden Rule or Do Unto Which Others?

Muslims are very sensitive about the lack of a Golden Rule in Islam. So, when you bring this up they always rush to assert that Muslims love everybody, in particular, Christians and Jews. I argued that Islam had no Golden Rule… Continue reading

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Muhammad and the Jews

Everyone knows that many millions of the Muslims in the Arab world and beyond have a deep hostility towards Jews or “the Jew.” It seems to have reached a metaphysical level or debased into an irrational state of mind. The question is: where does the hate come from… Continue reading

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Obama Again Avoids To Use The Word ‘Genocide’ In Armenian Remembrance Message

US President Barack Obama declined, for a second time, to use the word “genocide” to describe the atrocities experienced by Armenians at the hands of the Ottoman Empire a century ago… Continue reading

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A Letter To Gaza

I recently received an email accusing me of hating Arabs and my father. This email is typical of Arab media accusations of my views regarding the Arab-Israeli conflict. Since most Arabs have no chance to… Continue reading

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The ElBaradei Candidacy

The seemingly interminable reign of President Hosni Mubarak has suppressed Egypt’s domestic political scene for decades. In recent weeks, however, Egyptians have been expressing tempered enthusiasm that political change may be in the air. Their inspiration: the man whom the West should blame if Iran gets a nuclear weapon… Continue reading

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The Ship Intifada

Update: The Hamas administration in the Gaza Strip and pro-Palestinian organizations in Europe are planning a flotilla of aid to the Gaza Strip. The coordinators of the “ship intifada” want to avoid confrontation with the Egyptians but are taking into account confrontation with the Israeli navy backed by media and diplomatic campaigns… Continue reading

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There Can Be No Talk Of Genocide

In a SPIEGEL interview, Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan discusses Ankara’s relationship with the European Union, the debate over genocide against the Armenians and his role as a mediator in the dispute over Iran’s nuclear policy… Continue reading

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The Armenian Genocide and The Turks

The month of April marks the 95th anniversary of the start of the Armenian genocide. Between 1915 and 1918, some 800,000 to 1.5 million people were murdered in what is now eastern Turkey, or died on death marches in the northern Syrian desert. It was one of the first genocides of the 20th century… Continue reading

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Pro-Palestinian Organizations Plan to Bring Humanitarian Aid To Gaza

The de facto Hamas administration and pro-Palestinian organizations in Europe are planning to organize an international voyage of several ships to the Gaza Strip. Apparently the organizers of the voyage (called the “intifada of the ships” by Jamal al-Khudri) are planning to provoke confrontations with the Israeli Navy… Continue reading

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Turkey’s Regime Marches Toward Islamism

More evidence piles up every day that the Turkish government is moving toward radical Islamism yet Western policymakers pretend it merely combines a nice flavor of moderate Islam combined with democracy… Continue reading

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Al-Gaddafi, Wilders and the Jihad Against Switzerland

Ever since the triumphs of Islam’s prophet became the ultimate inspiration for jihadism almost 14 centuries ago, Muslims have especially revered the bellicose, conquering Muhammad of Medina… Continue reading

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Defeating Eurabia – Part 1

This is the first of five installments of Fjordman’s book Defeating Eurabia…. Continue reading

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Eurabia and Why Europe Hates its Jews – Again

This article outlines precisely how the Euro-Islamic Alliance cult is turning Europe into an Eurabia entity and laying the foundation for a new holocaust against the European Jews and, this time, against a national Jewish State as well: Israel… Continue reading

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The Iranian regime and its theological elite regarding the nuclear issue

Ayatollah Mesbah Yazdi, a religious authority and Iranian president Ahmadinejad’s spiritual mentor, implies in a theological-political book that Iran must acquire a nuclear weapon… Continue reading