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Pro-Palestinianism in the EU: Diplomats Taking Sides in Israel-Palestinian Conflict

Foreign diplomats, mainly European, participate in popular resistance activities in Judea and Samaria… Continue reading

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Survey: Palestinian Extremism Alive and Well in 2011

With The Palestinian Authority seeking UN recognition of a Palestinian state this month in New York… Continue reading

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Obama’s Only Policy

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu has explained repeatedly over the years that Israel has no Palestinian partner to negotiate with… Continue reading

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Palestinian “Moderate” Shows Why Real Peace is Impossible At Present

Nabil Shaath has given a fascinating and insightful interview that is well worth analyzing… Continue reading

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The invisible Palestinians

Sunday was the first day of Sgt. Gilad Schalit’s sixth year in captivity… Continue reading

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Where Obama is leading Israel

In the aftermath of US President Barack Obama’s May 19 speech on the Middle East, his supporters argued that the policy toward Israel… Continue reading

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Hamas says Goldstone’s “Reconsideration” is Surrender to Israeli-American Pressure

Hamas responded to Goldstone’s “reconsideration” by labeling it surrender to Israeli-American pressure, in sharp contrast to its… Continue reading

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PA planning to appeal to UN and ICC as part of the “political and diplomatic war” against Israel

The Palestinians are planning to appeal to the UN General Assembly and the International Criminal Court (ICC) as part of the “political and diplomatic war”… Continue reading

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Palestinians Celebrate Mubarak’s Resignation

The Egyptian’s president’s resignation was jubilantly received in Judea, Samaria and the Gaza Strip. Demonstrators marched in Ramallah holding placards… Continue reading

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The Guardian and the ‘Palestine Papers’

Do you really believe that suddenly, for no apparent reason, and no big Israeli concession the Palestinian negotiators tossed away their demand for a… Continue reading

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Hamas and PA Remarks on the ‘Palestine Papers’

On January 21 Al-Jazeera TV and the British Guardian leaked a series of documents dealing with the negotiations between Israel and the Palestinian Authority. Other documents… Continue reading

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Palestinians Turn to Europe for Recognition of State

Following the breakdown of direct talks with Israel, Palestinians have begun seeking international recognition of an independent state from European nations, CNN reported on Thursday… Continue reading

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Gaza-Bound ‘Asia to Gaza Solidarity Caravan’ Leaving India

The Asian convoy set out from Delhi in India on December 1. It was delayed for a number of days by the Indian and Pakistani authorities on the border between the two countries, but on December 5 it crossed the border on its way to Lahore, Pakistan, and from… Continue reading

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Hamas and Palestinian Authority Remarks on the Anniversary of the UN Partition Plan

The Palestinian Authority’s information ministry sent a press release claiming that the Partition Plan had created the “foundation for the wounds caused by the nakba…which were still open” and the reason the Palestinians had lost “their land and historical legacy”… Continue reading

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Declarations Regarding the Plan to Establish a Palestinian State

The decision made by the International Quartet to support the establishment of an independent Palestinian state turned it into an international project. According to Salam Fayyad, if the plan fails… Continue reading

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Hamas Delegation Visits Russia

Khaled Mashaal, head of the Hamas political bureau in Damascus, headed a delegation to Russia on February 12. During the visit he met with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov. Interviewed by the media, he attempted to present Hamas’ “pragmatic” side and smear Israel… Continue reading