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Five Israelis murdered by Palestinians at Itamar were Gaza evacuees

The Fogel family moved to Itamar after Jewish communities were forcibly evicted from the Gaza Strip in 2007 as part of the Sharon government’s… Continue reading

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Street In Nablus Named For Terrorist

On November 3 a festive ceremony was held in Nablus at which a street was named for Dalal al-Magribi, one of the Fatah terrorists who carried out the massacre on the Coastal Road in 1978 (which left 37 Israelis dead and 71 wounded). Since the attack, Dalal al-Magribi has become a kind of national heroine whose action was praised… Continue reading

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Hamas: Its Nazi Ideology and Record

The father of Palestinian nationalism, Amin el Husseini, the Mufti of Jerusalem, was the Brotherhood’s official representative in British Mandatory Palestine. He was a close collaborator with Nazi Germany at the highest levels, including Adolf Hitler… Continue reading

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Militant Anti-Israeli Campaign being Waged on British Campuses

The twinning of the LSE and Queen Mary College with the Islamic University in Gaza marks another achievement for the militant anti-Israeli campaign being waged on British campuses, which is characterized by demonstrations, protest activities, anti-Israeli propaganda and incitement… Continue reading

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Palestinian Economy Prospers with Israeli Assistance

It is difficult to turn on a TV or radio or pick up a newspaper these days, without finding some pundit or other deploring the dismal prospects for Israeli-Palestinian peace or the dreadful living conditions of the Palestinians. Even supposedly neutral news reporters regularly repeat this sad tale… Continue reading