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Anti-Israeli Propaganda Events Planned on Land Day, March 30, 2012

The organizations participating in the campaign to delegitimize Israel plan a series of propaganda events on Land Day… Continue reading

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International Jerusalem Day: anti-Israeli anti-West Incitement

Jerusalem Day, marked on August 26 this year, is an annual Iranian-sponsored event in support of the Palestinian cause… Continue reading

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Iranian Delegation shows solidarity with the “Marmara Shaheeds” and Freedom Flotilla 2 to Gaza

An Iranian delegation participated in events held by the IHH in Istanbul on the anniversary of the Marmara flotilla… Continue reading

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23 Anti-Israel Organizations Affiliated with Radical Islam and Radical Left Participate in the Upcoming Freedom Flotilla 2 to Gaza

The IHH website recently posted a provisional list of 23 organizations which have signed up for Freedom Flotilla 2… Continue reading

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Preparations Continue for South African Convoy and Freedom Flotilla 2 to the Gaza Strip

Preparations continue for Freedom Flotilla 2, due to set sail during the third week of June and the South African aid convoy to the Gaza Strip… Continue reading

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Turkish Islamist Delegation uses Violent Methods during anti-Israeli Propaganda Activities

A Turkish Islamist delegation, which in our assessment included IHH activists, was involved in violent clashes with Jordanian security forces… Continue reading

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Palestinians, Arabs prepare for ‘Naksa’ marches on Israel’s border

Following the example of this month’s Nakba Day marches, Palestinians and their supporters are preparing to launch another multipronged assault… Continue reading

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Israeli Police preparing for wide-scale rioting in September

According to a report by the Jerusalem Post on Sunday, police commissioner Insp.-Gen. Yochanan Danino has said that… Continue reading

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The ‘Radical Agenda’ of Israel’s Arabs

Are Israel’s Arabs turning into an enemy from within? The Jerusalem Post published an article by Ben Hartman on Wednesday about… Continue reading

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Nakba Day: “Right of Return” is Central to Palestinian’ Strategy to Liberate “Palestine”

The main theme of the various Nakba Day events was the Palestinian refugees’ return to the 1948 territories and the destruction of the State of Israel… Continue reading

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Arab World: Onward to Revolutionary Violence Or Let’s Be Cautious?

MEMRI has translated several Arab reactions to the “Nakba Day” marches on Israel’s border… Continue reading

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The Netanyahu-Abbas Exchange That Explains Why There’s No Peace, Who’s Responsible, and What Obama Doesn’t Understand

You can read for yourselves Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech to the U.S. Congress. Both on regional issues and the Israel-Palestinian question… Continue reading

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Nakba Day as Seen by Iranian Press: “Arab Spring has come to Palestine”

This week the Iranian press has widely reported the Nakba Day events, even though they were relegated to a relatively… Continue reading

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Mahmoud Abbas about Nakba: “We Left Galilee on Our Own”

After the “Nakba” riots on Sunday may 15, widely reported by the mass media as the killing of several unarmed “peacefull” protesters… Continue reading

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A Brief Guide to Why 1948 Was a Palestinian Arab and Arab Disaster

In 1947 the UN voted to partition the British mandate of Palestine into a Jewish and an Arab state. The Jews accepted partition… Continue reading

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PM Netanyahu: Root of Conflict is Palestinian Refusal to Recognize the Jewish State

The root of the conflict is, and always has been, their refusal to recognize the Jewish state… Continue reading

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PM Netanyahu on Nakba Day: ‘We’re determined to defend our borders’

In face of attempts to cross Israel’s northern and southern borders, Netanyahu says he instructed the IDF to stop all attempts to infiltrate… Continue reading

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PM Netanyahu on Nakba Day: ‘There is no place for incitement, violence and rage’

The state was founded 63 years ago on the basis of the declaration of independence which promises equality of rights for… Continue reading

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Israeli Police ‘Hand-Cuffed’ In Face of Riots on “Nakba Day”

Middle East expert Dr. David Bukai expressed concern Thursday over the expected ‘show of force’ by Israeli Arabs on “Nakba Day”… Continue reading