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Breaking Anchor: Turkey’s Disappearing EU Accession Process

The European Commission issued its most critical report on Turkey’s progress towards meeting the criteria for EU membership since accession negotiations were formally inaugurated in 2005… Continue reading

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Erdogan’s Invitation to Gülen: Reconciliation or Power Play?

On June 14, 2012, Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan publicly invited Fethullah Gülen, the leader of the powerful Gülen Movement, to return to Turkey from self-imposed exile in the United States… Continue reading

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The Big Split: The Differences that led Erdoğan and the Gülenists to Part Ways

A power struggle between the AKP and the Gülen movement is unraveling… Continue reading

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Turkey: in between Political Islam and the Military

This paper analyses the impact of domestic dynamics on its relations with Israel during the current AKP government and the RP led government in the 1990s… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: Turkish FM Davutoglu: “Yes, We are the New Ottomans”

Turkey is aspiring to broaden its horizons to include not just Europe but the Middle East, North Africa, and Central Asia in its strategic… Continue reading

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Turkey’s Election: Last Exit Before Toll

Because Turkey’s election Sunday is of such huge importance, not only for Turkey but for the region as a whole, Western interests, Israel, and… Continue reading

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Eight Casualties On Board the Mavi Marmara Were members of Turkish Islamist organizations

Since the violent confrontation aboard the ship Mavi Marmara, a great deal of information accumulated making it possible to identify the nine Turkish nationals killed in the confrontation, as well as to analyze their affiliation and political and ideological… Continue reading

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Al-Gaddafi, Wilders and the Jihad Against Switzerland

Ever since the triumphs of Islam’s prophet became the ultimate inspiration for jihadism almost 14 centuries ago, Muslims have especially revered the bellicose, conquering Muhammad of Medina… Continue reading