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Veel van de Buitenlandse Media in Israel is Onprofessioneel en Oneerlijk

In een lang afscheidsinterview met de Jerusalem Post laat Seaman, enigzins teleurgesteld, al zijn opgehoopte frustraties de loop over zijn werk en de verhoudingen tussen de Westerse media en Israël. Het is dus een openhartig interview geworden, maar het belangrijkste… Lees verder

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The Political Situation and Jerusalem

This past week anti-Israeli incitement continued in the Palestinian Authority and The Quartet calls on Israel to freeze building in the settlements and not to destroy buildings in Jerusalem… Continue reading

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Gilo is a neighborhood of Jerusalem

Gilo is not a “settlement” and never has been one, unless you consider every Israeli town, city and suburb a “settlement”, including those that were built on legally purchased and registered land, like Tel-Aviv, Petah Tikva and Rishon LeZion… Continue reading

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Between humanity and justice: Is there a choice?

The past few weeks we hear many reports about the possible release of Gilad Shalit as part of a prisoners swap of Israel with the Hamas. Maybe up to hundreds of Palestinian terrorists, with blood on their hands in killing innocent citizins of Israel… Continue reading

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Prime Minister Netanyahu speech to the UN General Assembly sept 2009

Full transcript of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech at the UN General Assembly 24th september 2009, in which he responded to Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s Holocaust denial by holding up documentary evidence, blasted the Goldstone Report and urged the international community to stop Iran’s pursuit of nuclear weapons:… Continue reading