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Jordan’s Prime Minister Reads ‘Rubin Reports’ – And Doesn’t Like It

During a recent dinner in Amman, Prime Minister Fayez Tarawneh of Jordan talked about me at some length, citing my PJ Media article on Israel being in a good strategic situation. Apart from the name-calling, insults, and snorting, he could not refute one point I made… Continue reading

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New York Times coverage of Israel: What Comes After Ridiculously Biased?

With the arrival of Jodi Rudoren as correspondent, New York Times coverage of Israel and related issues has now gone to a new level of ridiculous bias… Continue reading

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Mainstreaming anti-Semitism

Anti-Semitism may not yet be a litmus test for social acceptability in the US, but it has certainly become acceptable… Continue reading

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Such a “Great” Idea It Can Now Be Proclaimed But Not Criticized: Obama Supports the Muslim Brotherhood

The Obama Administration, as I’ve written for the last year, is favoring radical Islamist forces… Continue reading

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How A New York Times Article Tells You Everything You Need to Know About the Israel-Palestinian Conflict By Being Full of False Information

I don’t mean to keep picking on the New York Times but the problem is that the New York Times keeps picking on Israel… Continue reading

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Three Amazing Stories That Teach Us: Never Overestimate the Competence of the Media

First, almost all of the major news media has reported about the confrontation between Israeli forces and people who… Continue reading

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Israeli People and Experts Support Netanyahu, Don’t Want Return to 1967 Lines; U.S. Media Claims the Opposite

We are living in Satireworld. I mean what more can you say? Well, I can say the title of this article that sums it up… Continue reading

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U.S. Government, Media Completely Wrong on Egypt, Now Advise on Peace Process

One of my readers points out that last February I mockingly quoted the New York Times’ assurances that everything would be all right… Continue reading

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Why Contemporary Media Is So Bad

A reader asks me: But why is media reporting so bad (obviously with many honorable exceptions). I first wrote on this topic… Continue reading

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The NYT Promotes Muslim Brotherhood Lies, Covering Up for Nazi Collaborators

Recently, Tariq Ramadan, considered by the Western intelligentsia to be the very epitome of enlightened Islamism, wrote a New York Times op-ed in which… Continue reading

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Media Outlets Miss Critical Analysis of Overhyped Muslim Counter-Radicalization Video

The New York Times, CNN, and other “mainstream media outlets” recently reported on a video that was put out by the Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC). The video was dished up by both the Times and CNN with virtually no critical assessment or investigation… Continue reading