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Congressman Calls for Hearings on ‘Radicalization’ of White Christian Women

Though his position may seem balanced, in fact, it reveals a dangerous mix of irrationality, moral relativism, and emotionalism… Continue reading

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A Terrorist Promoting Mosque in Washington DC

The mass media is largely ignoring the story, certainly as part of a pattern of how Jihad is being spread in America… Continue reading

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Muslims, Wake Up!

When will the United States learn that our current behavior and lack of a coordinated existential strategy since 9-11 is obviously not working? As a devout and concerned… Continue reading

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Islamism 2.0

To borrow a computer term, if Ayatollah Khomeini, Osama bin Laden, and Nidal Hasan represent Islamism 1.0, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan (the prime minister of Turkey), Tariq Ramadan (a Swiss intellectual), andKeith Ellison (a U.S. congressman) represent Islamism 2.0. The former kill more people but the latter pose a greater threat to Western civilization… Continue reading