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Rethinking Libya

Islamist factions have not emerged to dominate the Libyan election results… Continue reading

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Libya: Assessing Berber Prospects

One reason the term “Arab Spring” is a misnomer is because of the participation of non-Arabs, including Kurds in Iraq and Syria as well as Berbers in Morocco and Libya… Continue reading

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The Syrian Uprising: Syria’s Struggling Civil Society

Authoritarian regimes have traditionally been disinclined to accept any political or social opposition and have been hostile to the development of an independent civil society that could form a counterweight to state power… Continue reading

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From Asharq Al-Awsat: Libya’s new Intelligence Chief, Salem al-Hassi

Asharq Al-Awsat conducted a lengthy telephone interview with Al-Hassi from Tripoli… Continue reading

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Sunni Realignments

Despite threats from Iran to withdraw financial aid and training for militants… Continue reading

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Saif al-Islam captured in Libya’s southern desert: Bargaining chip in Libyan power struggle

On Saturday, Saif al-Islam Qaddafi told Reuters News Agency that he was feeling well after his earlier arrest… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: Mustafa Abdul Jalil, an Islamist all along

When Abdul Jalil talks about reforms, he is (and was) doing so with an Islamist agenda in mind… Continue reading

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Fifty Libyan ‘Islamist’ Rebels Join the Jihad against Israel

Fifty Libyan Muslim Brotherhood mercenaries arrived in the Gaza Strip from Tripoli last month… Continue reading

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Libya Heading Towards Islamism

Islamism will be the dominant political force in Libya… Continue reading

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Hizballah Leader Nasrallah: we can fight Israel without aid from Iran or Syria

Nasrallah assured Hizballah troops they are capable of fighting Israel without Iranian or Syrian help… Continue reading

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Al Qaeda Plants Its Flag in Libya

According to multiple eyewitnesses one can now see both the Libyan rebel flag and the flag of al Qaeda fluttering atop… Continue reading

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Is NATO responsible for the death of Qaddafi?

Once the fact of Muammar Qaddafi’s abrupt demise on Thursday is absorbed, Libya will be left with the same power struggle between… Continue reading

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Libya: Qaddafi is killed in Sirte

Questions swirl around the death outside Sirte Thursday of Muammar Qaddafi… Continue reading

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The Arab Spring and the Jews

Throughout the ongoing unrest in the Middle East and North Africa… Continue reading

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NTC Chairman Mahmoud Jibreel Addresses the General Debate of the 66th Session of the General Assembly

Today, I stand before you to show the world that a new Libya is coming to life… Continue reading

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Libya Begins to Fall Apart

On the front lines there are a lot of them, they are jihadists, dangerous, militant in their beliefs… Continue reading

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Pro-Al Qaeda brigades control Qaddafi Tripoli strongholds

Members of the Al Qaeda-linked Libyan Islamic Fighting Group are in control of the former strongholds of Muammar Qaddafi captured by Libyan rebels… Continue reading