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“Celebrating” Orientalism

Through the backdoor of an unreciprocated concern for the “other,” educated Westerners have allowed a hostile, bullying, honor-shame discourse to take over much of their public space. And as millions of refugees are thrown up on the shores of Europe, Western policymakers remain captive to suicidal memes that bespeak a profound ignorance of Arab and Muslim culture… Read more

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Obama is Not Done with Israel, yet

The Obama-sponsored UNSC Resolution 2334, is, in fact, a declaration of economic and legal warfare against Israel and a call for arms to the Palestinians… Read more

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President Obama Defends His Foreign Policy in Final Speech to the UN General Assembly

President Obama’s final speech to the UN General Assembly… Read more

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Shavou’ot (Pentecost) vs Ramadan

Mateen’s Islamic motive for the attack… Read more

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US Middle East Policy and The Old Potomac Two Step

US policy towards the Middle East and how do we move forward?… Read more

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Obama’s “Declaration of War” against Israel

Obama declares war on Israel… Read more

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Obama’s ‘Crusades’ Idiocy

Obama’s interpretation of history… Continue reading

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Reading the Obama Interview

Demonizing Israel, Netanyahu and the American Jews… Continue reading

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Why Modern Society Is No Longer Better than Traditional Society

Or why modern society is doomed… Continue reading

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Why Israel Is More Secure in 2014 than in 2013

Is Israel more secure in 2014?… Continue reading

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How U.S. Policy Is Betraying Not Only Israel, but also Sunni Arabs

It seems the Obama administration wants to sabotage U.S. Middle-East policy… Continue reading

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Explaining Everything in Washington in 600 Words

Official Washington gets the Islamist ideology wrong… Continue reading

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Is Iran a Lunatic State or a Rational Actor? Neither: It is a Rational Aggressor

Iran wants nuclear weapons as a defensive shield to carry out conventional aggression… Continue reading

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What Will Happen Now with U.S. Middle East Policy?

A tale about an idiot… Continue reading

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Startling Parallels: Obama Appeasement Policy and British Intelligence Files on Hitler

It seems as if nobody will listen to or believe me… Continue reading

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Obama Administration: The New Seven Pillars of “Wisdom” on the Middle East, Part Two

The White House seven pillars of idiocy in the Middle East… Continue reading

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Obama Administration: The New Seven Pillars of “Wisdom” on the Middle East, Part One

The White House seven pillars of idiocy in the Middle East… Continue reading

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Lost: Obama Middle East Policy, 2013-2016,(1) Why U.S. Policy Betrayed the Moderates

The Obama Administration has taken the Islamists’ side… Continue reading

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Dinner in New York; Breakfast in Tel Aviv

Americans don’t understand the Middle East… Continue reading

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America’s Problems in the Middle East are Just Beginning

America’s Middle East policy is a disaster… Continue reading

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Kerry Shuttles as the Middle East Burns

Chaos in Middle East grows as the U.S. focuses on Israel… Continue reading

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Fools Rush In Where Statesmen Fear to Tread

What the heck is the U.S. line on the Middle East… Continue reading

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Obama Doctrine: Backing Middle East Radicals After 10 Previous Western Failures

History has shown that backing radical Arabic-speaking states or movements to redo the regional order have all ended badly… Continue reading

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New Moderates! Syrian Rebels, Iranian President, and the Taliban!

To get a picture of current U.S. Middle East policy just imagine a “Cold War” in which the United States would side with the Communists… Continue reading

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Obama Visit to Israel: A Love Fest with Lots of Policy Complications

The Obama visit to Israel has become an unlimited love fest with expressions of mutual admiration and total agreement… Continue reading