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Obama’s Middle East Visit as a Case Study in Media Manipulation

Rubin explains how the Middle East and Obama’s policies are distorted by the ruling establishment and misunderstood by the opposition… Continue reading

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Note to President Obama: Don’t Back America’s and Israel’s Enemies

The enemy of myself is my friend… Continue reading

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What the West is Doing Wrong While Facing Islamist Intimidation

Islamists will intimidate anyone who let them intimidate… Continue reading

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Why It’s In Everyone’s Interests that the Hagel Nomination Be Defeated

The Hagel issue is the perfect symbol of the dilemmas faced by America today… Continue reading

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Obama Says: I’m Backing Democracy and Human Rights; Egyptian Human Rights’ Activist: Not True!

We are continually told that Obama’s policy has been supportive of democracy and human rights, but this is not true at all… Continue reading

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Open letter to Obama: You’re not Backing Democracy and Human Rights

Open letter to President Obama by Bahieddin Hassan… Continue reading

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State of the Union Address on Foreign Policy: Careful Phrasing Conceals Disasters

Think about the kind of mental construct that could produce this State of the Union address… Continue reading

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Learning the Wrong Lessons from Ike

The real lessons of 1956… Continue reading

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Why Chuck Hagel is Really So Scary: He’s Typical of the Current Rulers

If Chuck Hagel is so much dumber than you why is he the one being nominated by President Barack Obama to be secretary of defense?… Continue reading

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On Mistaking Mohamed Mursi For His Mask

2012 will likely be remembered as the year that Islamists made the greatest gains in their quest for a new caliphate in the region… Continue reading

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U.S. Military Leaders Oppose Chuck Hagel Nomination

Former U.S. Generals and Admirals oppose Obama’s pick for secretary of defence… Continue reading

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Why Do Americans – Especially Among the Contemporary Elite – Believe Their Country is Evil?

The American elite has convinced itself and a large portion of the country’s youth that America’s whole history is evil… Continue reading

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What Difference Does It Make that Hillary Clinton Doesn’t Care Why Terrorists Killed Americans in Libya?

Clinton’s show of indifference isn’t just a question of distracting attention or callousness, it is a clear symptom of exactly what is wrong with the Obama Administration’s handling of this and other issues… Continue reading

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Why the Current U.S. Foreign Policy Debate Doesn’t Make Sense and How to Fix It

Something very bad is happening with the U.S. foreign policy debate… Continue reading

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Noxious Nominations: The Four Horsemen of the American Foreign Policy Apocalypse

I did a lot of soul-searching before writing my latest article, yet within hours after its publication I concluded that I hadn’t been too pessimistic… Continue reading

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After the Fall: What Do You Do When You Conclude America is (Temporarily or Permanently) Kaput?

The United States has taken a political turn which at least for the next four years will guarantee that it does not play the role of a great power… Continue reading

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A Paradox of U.S. Middle East Policy: The Friend Who Acts like an Enemy is an Enemy

What’s the major problem for U.S. foreign policy during Obama’s second term… Continue reading

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The Useful Myth that Obama Now Likes Israel

Reality, especially in 2012, is very hard to face. So many hopes dashed; so many bad things happening… Continue reading

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Mishandling Mursi

Only a week after being praised by the Obama Administration for his supposed helpfulness in ending the fighting in Gaza between Hamas and Israel, Egyptian President Mursi apparently decided to cash in his praise “chips” early… Continue reading

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Driving in Neutral: Hillary Clinton Explains the Israel-Palestinian Conflict

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s said some very interesting and revealing things in her appearance at the Saban Center’s gala dinner, November 30. They are, however, being quoted out of context… Continue reading

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Obama Re-Elected: What He Should Have Done in the Last Four Years and Won’t Do in the Next Four Years

Over and over again I’ve written about what President Barack Obama should do. Now the voters have given him a whole new chance… Continue reading

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One Thousand and One Articles Later: Why Obama Should be Voted Out of Office in Today’s Election

For four years now, I have been chronicling the disastrous policies of President Barack Obama on the Middle East. Something should be done about that. And today is the day to do it… Continue reading

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The Pro-Islamist Obama Administration: A Case Study in Syria

It is obvious that the Syrian National Council was a Muslim Brotherhood front group, yet the Obama Administration backed it any way… Continue reading

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A Short Guide to the Benghazi Issue: What Is It Really All About?

The chickens have come back to roost and have roosted in the White House. And the vultures are gathering…. Continue reading