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Beware The Leader Who Bangs The Drums of War

It should be getting pretty hard even for Western leaders to ignore the Turkish regime’s growing alliance with their enemies. Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s visit to Lebanon included a very dangerous statement that must not go unnoticed… Continue reading

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North Korea: Adding Insult To Injury

Iran’s President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad will be very happy with such a “nuclear” friend in North Korea… Continue reading

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Israel Slams Obama’s Remarks On Housing Plans in Jerusalem

The statement was a response to President Barack Obama’s remarks in Indonesia when he was asked whether “Israel’s advanced planning for more than a thousand new homes in Jerusalem” undermines… Continue reading

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What Effect Will The U.S. Elections Have On Its Middle East Policy?

What effect will the congressional elections have on U.S. foreign policy generally and Middle East policy in particular? It isn’t a matter of the individual candidates, since nobody lost or won who will have some big influence on U.S. policy in the next couple of years. The important factor is… Continue reading