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What Will Happen Now with U.S. Middle East Policy?

A tale about an idiot… Continue reading

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A Sentence by the State Department Sentences The World to Disaster

If I’ve ever seen a single sentence that spells disaster in the Middle East it’s this one… Continue reading

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King Abdallah of Jordan on How No One Trusts Obama’s Government

I think there is going to be less coordination with the West and therefore a chance of more misunderstandings… Continue reading

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Obama Administration Sponsors the Sponsors of Anti-American Terrorism

Is there any sponsor of anti-American terrorism in the Middle East that the Obama Administration hasn’t tried to sponsor… Continue reading

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Obama’s Only Policy

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu has explained repeatedly over the years that Israel has no Palestinian partner to negotiate with… Continue reading

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In September, Obama’s Middle East Policy Will Collapse

Prediction: In September, President Barack Obama’s Middle East policy blows up in his (and our) face(s)… Continue reading

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UN Intervention into Libya an Ominous Precedent for Israel

There are many reasons to be worried about the bridge-leap the Obama Administration has just undertaken in its war with Muammar Gaddafi… Continue reading

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Syria sends Gaddafi arms

As Washington commended the Arab League for approving a proposed no-fly zone over Libya and European powers drew up plans for… Continue reading