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Egypt’s Elections: Titanic of Western Interests, Meet Iceberg of Islamist Revolutionary Zeal

Egypt will hold its presidential election May 23-24 with a possible run-off on June 16-17. It is impossible at this point to predict what’s going to happen but I can make a good guess… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: U.S. Talks to Israeli Security Chief about Israel’s Arabs, Gaza and Suleiman’s Visit

In a May 13 meeting covering a range of subjects, Israeli Security Agency (ISA, or Shin Bet) Chief Yuval Diskin told Ambassador Jones the following… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: Al-Jazeera Changed Coverage to Suit Qatari Foreign Policy

Qatar is using the Arabic news channel al-Jazeera as a bargaining chip in foreign policy negotiations by adapting its coverage to suit other foreign… Continue reading

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Egypt’s Military Announces Policy, Economic Factors Emerge

The Egyptian military’s Armed Forces Supreme Council has released its fourth communiqué. The group includes the heads of the army, navy, and air force… Continue reading

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Egypt: The Mubarak Resignation and Its Consequences

In a move that simultaneously caught the world by surprise and yet indicated the regime’s strategy, Egyptian President Husni Mubarak announced his resignation only… continue reading

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Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak resigns

Egyptian Vice President Omar Suleiman announced that the embattled president Hosni Mubarak has stepped down… Continue reading

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Transcript of Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak’s Speech, feb 10, 2011

Transcript of Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak’s Speech, one published by the Washington Post, one published by CNN and the third by the BBC… Continue reading

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Mubarak’s Not Resigning and They Were All Wrong!

Well, that shows just how bad the media coverage has been! Mubarak is not resigning. He’s managing the “reform” process. He is appointing a committee to… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: Imprisoned Egyptian Opposition Leader: Defend Freedom, Democracy and Human Rights

Ayman Nour, one of the senior leaders of the Egyptian opposition who is currently organizing a coalition to create an interim government, wrote an eloquent letter from prison… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: Egypt’s Choice Not Just Between Authoritarian or Islamist Extremist Regime

We do not accept the proposition that Egypt’s only choices are a slow-to-reform authoritarian regime or an Islamist extremist one… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: Muslim Brotherhood’s Rise Signals the Need for Greater Democracy and Transparency in Egypt

The Egyptians have a long history of threatening us with the MB bogeyman. Your counterparts may try to suggest that the President’s insistence on greater democracy in Egypt… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: The Egyptian View of the Middle East

WikiLeaks cable about Egyptian foreign policy: Cairo-Baghdad Relations, Iranian ‘devils’, Syria and Turkey… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: Suleiman on Dangers Posed by Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt

Also discussed were the implications of the Hamas victory in the Palestinian legislative elections, the proliferation of extremist ideologies, and the nebulous nature of Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: Defense Minister Mohamed Tantawi Resistant to Change in Egypt

Recognizing that he is reluctant to change, we nonetheless should urge Minister Tantawi towards a broader and more flexible partnership based on shared strategic objectives, including… Continue reading

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Egypt’s Revolution: A Simple Guide

The first issue is whether only the ruler or the entire regime is going to fall. The mere resignation of President Husni Mubarak from office would not be a huge problem… Continue reading

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Egypt: The Turning Point, The Regime’s Plan on What to Do Next

Out of “good intentions,” the United States is headed the biggest catastrophe in the history of its relations with the Middle East. Thirty years after Iran’s revolution produced a similar situation, nothing has been learned by U.S. policymakers… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: Suleiman Vows to Fight Radicalism

During an April 21 meeting with Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Admiral Michael Mullen, Egyptian General Intelligence Service Chief Omar Soliman explained that… Continue reading

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Egypt’s Military Deployed along Gaza Border

Egyptian security forces beefed up their presence along the border with the Gaza Strip on Sunday in a bid to stop Hamas operatives from crossing… Continue reading

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The Revolt in Egypt and U.S. Policy

There is no good policy for the United States regarding the uprising in Egypt but the Obama Administration may be adopting something close to the worst option… Continue reading

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Thousands of Egyptian Protesters Defy Curfew, Violence Continues

A massive crowd of tens of thousands calling for the ouster of Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak gathered in the streets and squares of downtown Cairo Saturday evening… Continue reading

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Jordan’s King: Tensions, Conflicts and Violence Will Continue If Peace Talks Fail

King Abdullah II of Jordan on Thursday urged intensified international efforts to make progress in resolving the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, the state-run Petra news agency reported. At a meeting with Egyptian Foreign Minister Ahmad Abu El Gheit and… Continue reading

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PLO says, No Talks Until Israel Halts Settlements

Direct talks with Israel will not resume unless it halts the building of Jewish settlements on occupied land, the Palestinian leadership said on Saturday… Continue reading