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Trump Should Stop Funding Palestinian Terrorists

The PA’s payments to Palestinian terrorists has been going on for decades and was never a secret…. Read more

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What Direction Will the Current Wave of Palestinian Terrorism Take?

Possible future trends expressed in Palestinian political and media discourse… Read more

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Palestinians: A World of Lies, Deception and Fabrications

When the spilling of Jewish blood hides behind the false narrative of “peaceful or popular resistance”… Read more

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Mahmoud Abbas Addresses General Assembly’s Seventieth Session

Mahmoud Abbas’s speech to the UN general assembly… Read more

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Mr. Mahmoud Abbas, President of the State of Palestine, Addresses General Assembly, 69th session, 2014

Mahmoud Abbas, President of the State of Palestine, addresses the general debate of the sixty-ninth session of the General Assembly… Continue reading

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Palestinian Leaders Don’t Want an Independent State

The truth about Palestine’s independence… Continue reading

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Serial Stabbing: Part of the Modus Operandi of the Palestinian “Popular Resistance”

The Modus Operandi of Palestinian “Popular Resistance” attacks… Continue reading

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Mr. Mahmoud Abbas, President of the State of Palestine, Addresses General Assembly, 68th session, 2013

Mahmoud Abbas, President of the State of Palestine, addresses the general debate of the sixty-eighth session of the General Assembly… Continue reading

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Now We Know The Truth: What’s Behind U.S. “Peace Process” Policy

What John Kerry thinks about the “peace” talks… Continue reading

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Israel-Palestinian Peace Talks To be Renewed in Washington?

Can Obama revive the Middle East peace process… Continue reading

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It’s Time to Tell the Truth About the “Peace Process”

Has it become time that the absurd paradigm governing the “peace process” be abandoned or challenged… Continue reading

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Norwegian Government Finds Arab-Palestinian Anti-Semitism Acceptable

Incitement by the Palestinian Authority against Jewish people and the Jewish State is a reality, but acceptable as part of an ongoing political battle… Continue reading

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President Obama to Visit Israel, the West Bank, and Jordan in March

Why didn’t Obama go at a time when it would presumably have benefited him politically… Continue reading

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The Ultimate ‘Settlements are not the Problem’ Article

Contrary to what the international pro-Palestinian lobby says, Israeli settlements are not the main problem in the Middle East… Continue reading

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Israel Has No Other Alternative But the Alternative it Has is a Good One

By essentially unilaterally declaring the existence of an Arab Palestine, the world has abrogated the Oslo accords… Continue reading

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Ambassador Ron Prosor’s Speech to the UN General Assembly, November 29, 2012

The United Nations General Assembly voted, as expected, in favor of upgrading the Palestinians’ status to that of a non-member observer state. Prior to Thursday’s vote, Ambassador of Israel to the UN Ron Prosor addressed the UN General Assembly… Continue reading

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A Few Notable Anniversaries on the Palestinians’ Big Day

The more things change, the more they remain the same… Continue reading

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UN: Palestine is Now a Non-Member State; Reality: Palestine Will Continue to be a Non-Existent State

The UN will give Palestine the status of a non-member state. The only thing that will change is to convince people even more that they are following a clever and successful strategy. They aren’t… Continue reading

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President Mahmoud Abbas Addresses the General Debate of the 67th Session of the General Assembly

Mahmoud Abbas, President of the Palestinian Authority, addresses the general debate of the sixty-seventh session of the General Assembly… Continue reading

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Why is Israel More Prosperous Than the Palestinians: The Ultimate Demonstration of Media Bias

If you truly understand what you are about to read, I don’t see how you can accord most of the mass media any credibility when it comes to Israel ever again… Continue reading

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Romney Lays It Out: Progress and Success Versus Name-Calling And Bragging About Being Victims

The economic history of the world has shown that “culture makes all the difference”… Continue reading

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How the U.S. Government Should Deal With the Jerusalem As Israel’s Capital Issue

Recently there has been a controversy when State Department spokespeople refused to say what they thought to be Israel’s capital. To understand this issue we need to understand that there are two different issues involved… Continue reading

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Why the Mass Media’s Best Effort to Understand Obama’s Failure to Make Israel-Palestinian Peace Fails

And this can be largely explained by a curious but constant missing ingredient in mass media coverage… Continue reading

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Yasir Arafat Is Still Dead and We Know Who Really Did Him In

Yasir Arafat is still dead. True, he was once alive…Continue reading