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Why Palestinian Terror Attacks Ensure There Will Be No Peace

Events like the massacre of an Israeli family by terrorists aren’t just tragedies or crimes, they are events of huge political and… Continue reading

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The Battle for the Character of Education in the Gaza Strip

Hamas and the PIJ repeatedly demand that UNRWA not teach about the Holocaust in its schools, claiming that it is a “fabricated, twisted history” that… Continue reading

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Anti-Israel Incitement in the Palestinian Authority

Incitement against Israel, which frequently turns into genuine anti-Semitic incitement, is an inseparable part of the fabric of life in the Palestinian Authority… Continue reading

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Why Does the Media Report the Opposite of What’s True in the Middle East?

Here’s one of a thousand examples of how Middle East reality is being misrepresented. I’m told by people that the deputy head of… Continue reading

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Palestinian Leaders’ Response to Democratic Upheaval: Fire the Honest Guy

The Palestinian Authority doesn’t have to worry about democratic upheavals since it has the nationalist and anti-Israel cards to play… Continue reading

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Hamas, PA against an ‘Interim Arrangement’ with Israel

In recent weeks the Israeli media reported that Israeli Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu would deliver a speech presenting a new political plan… Continue reading

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Palestinian Authority: We Never Listen to What America Says, We Just Take the Money

This does not mean that they dictate to us whatever they want, because we do what we view as beneficial to our cause… Continue reading

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Obama Administration is loosing the Competition in the Middle East

In testimony to the House Foreign Affairs Committee, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said, “We are in a competition. I just stress over and over again… Continue reading

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PA planning to appeal to UN and ICC as part of the “political and diplomatic war” against Israel

The Palestinians are planning to appeal to the UN General Assembly and the International Criminal Court (ICC) as part of the “political and diplomatic war”… Continue reading

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Egypt’s Revolution and Israeli Interests: A Strategic Assessment

What does the Egyptian revolution mean for Israel? A great deal and, unfortunately, none of it is particularly good, though Israel will have to adjust… Continue reading

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UNHRC: World Praise for Libya 4 Months Ago

Libya is a member of the UN’s top Human Rights Body – the Human Rights Council. The majority of members of the UN General Assembly… Continue reading

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Hamas Tries to Exploit the Egyptian Revolution

Hamas tries to take advantage of the events in Egypt and its ties with the Muslim Brotherhood to improve its standing with the Egyptian government and to… Continue reading

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Egypt: The Most Moderate Democracy Advocate Speaks and Says a Lot

There is no more courageous, sincere, and moderate person in Egypt than the blogger who is known as Sandmonkey. He faced serious harassment… Continue reading

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US Vetoes UN Resolution Condemning Israeli Settlements as Illegal

Jerusalem Post reported today that the United States vetoed a UN resolution Friday that would have condemned Israeli “illegal” settlements beyond… Continue reading

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Revolution in Tunisia, Reform in Jordan Unleashes Anti-Jewish Forces

Recently, when I spoke on developments in Egypt, a serious and respected Middle East expert claimed that there was no sign of anti-American or anti-Israel… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: Schizophrenic Nature of Syrian Foreign Policy

The schizophrenic nature of Syrian foreign policy once again reared its ugly face… Continue reading

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Netanyahu: Egyptian Revolt Proves Israel Needs Strong, Solid Security Arrangements

Yesterday was a dramatic day in our region. Millions of people poured into the streets of Egypt. President Mubarak, who has ruled Egypt for 30 years, announced that… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: Suleiman Vows to Fight Radicalism

During an April 21 meeting with Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Admiral Michael Mullen, Egyptian General Intelligence Service Chief Omar Soliman explained that… Continue reading

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The ‘Palestine Papers’: Now We Know the Real Story

We now know what actually happened in the negotiations mischaracterized by the “Palestine Papers,” but before I tell you the true story, let me say some words about how… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: US Orders to Spy on Israel and Palestinians

The WikiLeaks website last week leaked a secret State Department cable from October 31, 2008, directing United States officials to spy on Israel. The cable, dated only days… Continue reading

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Ireland Upgrades PA Envoys without ‘Recognition’

An Irish diplomatic source confirmed Dublin’s intention to upgrade PA envoys, but stressed that contrary to some reports, the delegation would not be given the status of an embassy… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: U.S. Reviews Progress with Palestinian Leaders

In separate July 1 meetings with CODEL Kerry, PA PM Salam Fayyad reviewed progress on Roadmap implementation, while PLO Negotiations Affairs Chief Saeb Erekat… Continue reading

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Hamas, PA Expressing Support for ‘Jasmine Revolution’ in Tunisia

The revolution in Tunisia produced a wave of reactions: While the Palestinian Authority made do with expressing support for the Tunisian people, Hamas exploited the events to attack the… Continue reading

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Medvedev makes ‘historic’ visit to ‘Disputed Territories’

The Russian Federation’s President Dmitry Medvedev visited the ‘disputed territories’ on a “historic” trip as part of his Middle East tour, CNN reported on Tuesday… Continue reading

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PA Leader Abbas Releases Hamas Terrorist Just 4 Months After Murdering Four Israelis

PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas decided to release a Hamas terrorist from prison just four months after he and other Hamas gunmen ambushed and killed four Israeli civilians (all residents of Bet Haggai) in their car… Continue reading