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America’s Problems in the Middle East are Just Beginning

America’s Middle East policy is a disaster… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: Syria Defends “Peaceful Objectives” against Israeli “Threats”

Syrian FM Muallim separately briefed Arab and European ambassadors on… Continue reading

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More than Half of Afghans See Western Alliance as Occupiers

More than 50 percent of Afghans see the Western Alliance (ISAF / NATO) as occupying forces… Continue reading

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How Do We Know Definitively That Israel’s Critics Are Wrong? Because of What They Say

I realized that there was a totally different and far more revealing way of approaching this issue… Continue reading

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FM Mammadyarov Addresses the General Debate of the 66th Session of the General Assembly

For almost two decades we have been facing the flagrant violation of the UN Charter and other documents of international law by the Republic of Armenia… Continue reading

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FM John Baird Addresses the General Debate of the 66th Session of the General Assembly

We will not go along with the unilateral actions of the Palestinian Authority. We uphold Israel’s right to exist. The Jewish state is on the front line of our struggle and its people the victims of terror. Canada will not accept or stay silent while the Jewish state is attacked for defending its territory and its citizens… Continue reading

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FM Hina Rabbani Khar Addresses the General Debate of the 66th Session of the General Assembly

Our nation is united in its determination to eliminate the spectre of terrorism from our soil, from our region and the world… Continue reading

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The Secret MIT-PKK Talks: Was a Turkish-Kurdish Peace Accord Ever Close?

The effort to explore a peaceful solution was doomed because ultimately the ruling AKP has not disengaged from Turkish state tradition… Continue reading

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FM Ali Ahmed Karti Addresses the General Debate of the 66th Session of the General Assembly

Sudan accepted the choice of separation, not because it did not want unity, but because it wanted sustainable peace and stability… Continue reading

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Letter from Prague: What The Betrayal of Czechoslovakia in 1938 Can Teach Us About The World and Israel Today

Visiting the Czech Republic prompts thoughts of the 1938 Munich agreement… Continue reading

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President Sargsyan Addresses the General Debate of the 66th Session of the General Assembly

Turkey has in all ways possible aborted the ratification and implementation of the protocols we initialed in 2009… Continue reading

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President Salva Kiir Addresses the General Debate of the 66th Session of the General Assembly

We urge the Government of Sudan to seek a peaceful resolution to these conflicts… Continue reading

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President Talabani Addresses the General Debate of the 66th Session of the General Assembly

Iraq is building a homeland where everyone lives in peace and stability without regard to sectarian, ethnic or factional affiliations… Continue reading

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FM Zalmai Rassoul Addresses the General Debate of the 66th Session of the General Assembly

We Afghans are proud to have partnered, over the past ten years, with the world’s struggle against terrorism… Continue reading

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President Christofias Addresses the General Debate of the 66th Session of the General Assembly

Cyprus still suffers from the occupation of a large part of its territory by the military forces of Turkey… Continue reading

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King Abdullah II Bin Al Hussein Addresses the General Debate of the 66th Session of the General Assembly

A two-state solution, that ends the conflict by meeting the needs of both sides, is and can be the only secure and lasting peace… Continue reading

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President Sleiman Addresses the General Debate of the 66th Session of the General Assembly

It is important to underscore the rightful Palestinian efforts aiming at earning the recognition of the State of Palestine and its full membership to the United Nations… Continue reading

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President Sarkozy Addresses the General Debate of the 66th Session of the General Assembly

Should such threats be made, France would immediately and wholeheartedly stand beside Israel… Continue reading

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Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa Al-Thani Addresses the General Debate of the 66th Session of the General Assembly

You are all aware that the blossoming of the Arab spring has faced everybody with heavy responsibilities to assume and with positions that they have to take… Continue reading

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President Obama Addresses the General Debate of the 66th Session of the General Assembly

There’s one issue that stands as a test for these principles and a test for American foreign policy, and that is the conflict between the Israelis and the Palestinians… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: Lebanese PM Mikati described Hezbollah as ‘tumor’

Lebanese Prime Minister Najib Mikati described Shi’a Muslim terrorist group Hizballah as a “tumor”… Continue reading

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Glenn Beck is Correct on the Middle East; Let’s Analyze Why That’s True

Any criticism one can make of Beck regarding Middle East issues rather pales in comparison to all of the above points on which he is quite correct… Continue reading

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Israel, Ireland and the peace of the aging

Sometimes, the best thing to do is nothing at all… Continue reading

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Arab World: Onward to Revolutionary Violence Or Let’s Be Cautious?

MEMRI has translated several Arab reactions to the “Nakba Day” marches on Israel’s border… Continue reading

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The Netanyahu-Abbas Exchange That Explains Why There’s No Peace, Who’s Responsible, and What Obama Doesn’t Understand

You can read for yourselves Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech to the U.S. Congress. Both on regional issues and the Israel-Palestinian question… Continue reading