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Would UN Palestinian Statehood destroy any chance of an equitable peace?

Such a move is expected to cause an environment of intensified strife… Continue reading

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International Efforts to Avoid the Palestinian UN Bid Will Inevitably Fail Because Western Policy is So Bad

I have seen about 20 articles today about why the UN bid isn’t in the PA’s interest and why they should stop… Continue reading

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Abbas: Palestinians seek full UN membership

Mahmoud Abbas has confirmed that he will request full membership at the United Nations… Continue reading

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Abbas to go through with UN Statehood Bid

Thursday, Sept. 15, Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas went back on his assurance 24 hours earlier to… Continue reading

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Historical Facts Relating to the Israel Palestinian Conflict and the Peace Process

Israel’s Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Danny Ayalon explains the historical facts relating to the Israeli Palestinian conflict… Continue reading

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Why Supporting Unilateral Palestinian Independence Is A Deadly Mistake

Marwan Barghouti, under a life sentence in an Israel prison, has said that if the United States vetoes a unilateral Palestinian statehood proposal… Continue reading

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How Anti-Semitism Prevents Peace

Despite the obsessive preoccupation with Israeli building activities in the West Bank and East Jerusalem… Continue reading

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The Campaign to Panic Israel Into a Bad Strategy

Israel must rush to help create a Palestinian state as fast as possible in order to protect its own security… Continue reading

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The Palestinians’ Imaginary State

In a few weeks, an overwhelming majority in the United Nations General Assembly will likely vote for collective recognition of a Palestinian state… Continue reading

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Peace Process Profiteers and The Blessings of a Preferable Status Quo

Israel’s historic position toward the territories captured in the 1967 war has been: Israel will control this land until… Continue reading

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Palestinian “Moderate” Shows Why Real Peace is Impossible At Present

Nabil Shaath has given a fascinating and insightful interview that is well worth analyzing… Continue reading

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Congress Gets Tough on Palestinian Authority; Obama Administration Doesn’t

But why is Congress taking the lead on this threat… Continue reading

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Israel, Ireland and the peace of the aging

Sometimes, the best thing to do is nothing at all… Continue reading

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The Unbearable Lightness of Mainstream Thinking on Israel-Palestinian Issues

An analysis of the Lying-for-Peace Movement and of how the main arguments on the… Continue reading

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Obama’s Ludicrous Proposal to Israel Unpacked

Could President Barack Obama’s strategy possibly be more obvious to Israel… Continue reading

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How Obama Destroyed Any “Peace Process” And Sabotaged Himself in the Middle East

Obama demands freeze on all Israeli construction in existing settlements, undoing 16 years of U.S. and Palestinian Authority (PA) acceptance… Continue reading

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Rahm Emanuel Tries to Build Up Obama on Israel But Digs Him Into a Deeper Hole

You know that President Barack Obama understands he’s got problems with Israel… Continue reading

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How Obama Administration Mishandling of the Palestinian Unilateral Independence Bid is Wasting 2011

And so he rushes off to Europe to muster support so that the United States is not alone… Continue reading

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Obama Forgets History And Thus Makes Future Disastrous History

A reader writes to me that I don’t understand how President Barack Obama is really friendly toward Israel… Continue reading

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The Netanyahu-Abbas Exchange That Explains Why There’s No Peace, Who’s Responsible, and What Obama Doesn’t Understand

You can read for yourselves Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech to the U.S. Congress. Both on regional issues and the Israel-Palestinian question… Continue reading

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PM Netanyahu’s Speech to U.S. Congress, May 24, 2011

Speech by PM Netanyahu to a Joint Meeting of the U.S. Congress… Continue reading

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Palestinian Politics Is About to Make a Transition For the Worse; Bad Time to Push for Peacemaking

Palestinian Authority “president” Mahmoud Abbas is retiring and has called on Fatah to choose a replacement… Continue reading

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Obama At AIPAC: Beneath The Flattery, He Revealed His Indifference to Israel’s Needs and His Tilt Against It

I expected President Barack Obama’s AIPAC speech would be a bunch of feel-good clichés to persuade the audience that he is… Continue reading

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Obama’s AIPAC Policy Conference Speech, May 22, 2011

Speaking to the American Israel Public Affairs Committee Sunday morning, U.S. president Barack Obama said… Continue reading

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Obama Speech: Not Intended To Bash Israel But Did So Anyway

Only twenty percent of Obama’s Middle East speech dealt with Israel-Palestinian issues and that only at the end. Clearly, this was… Continue reading