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Assad: anti-US and anti-Israel Stance will Save Him from an Uprising

Syrian president Bashar al-Assad believes he has more time for reforms, because of his anti-US and anti-Israel policy. He believes Egypt is suffering for its connection with the U.S. and Israel… Continue reading

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The ‘Palestine Papers’: Now We Know the Real Story

We now know what actually happened in the negotiations mischaracterized by the “Palestine Papers,” but before I tell you the true story, let me say some words about how… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: U.S. Discusses Iran and Gaza with Mubarak’s Son

During an hour-long meeting on February 17 [2009], Gamal Mubarak discussed with Senator Joseph Lieberman the problems with Gaza and Palestinian reconciliation… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: US Orders to Spy on Israel and Palestinians

The WikiLeaks website last week leaked a secret State Department cable from October 31, 2008, directing United States officials to spy on Israel. The cable, dated only days… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: U.S. Reviews Progress with Palestinian Leaders

In separate July 1 meetings with CODEL Kerry, PA PM Salam Fayyad reviewed progress on Roadmap implementation, while PLO Negotiations Affairs Chief Saeb Erekat… Continue reading

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The “Palestine Papers”: Fabrication of the Day

Several people have asked me what I think about the new “Palestine Papers” which have been “obtained” (that means the PA gave it to them) by al-Jazira, the Guardian, and perhaps others, in imitation of Wikileaks… Continue reading

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Israel’s Labor Party Self-Destructs

A pivotal moment in Israeli political history. The Labor Party, the founding political organization of the state, ruler of the country for its first 29 years, and perennial member of… Continue reading

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Medvedev makes ‘historic’ visit to ‘Disputed Territories’

The Russian Federation’s President Dmitry Medvedev visited the ‘disputed territories’ on a “historic” trip as part of his Middle East tour, CNN reported on Tuesday… Continue reading

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The Big Lie: ‘1967 Borders’ is a Fallacy

The term “1967 borders,” the Arab world’s mantra for the borders of a PA state, never existed, says former Ambassador to Canada Alan Baker in a research paper for the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs… Continue reading

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Why Is It So Urgent to Try to Resolve the Israel-Palestinian Conflict?

Why? Of course, it would make sense to move ahead if it was clear that both sides wanted a deal and an agreement could easily be achieved. But in fact the Palestinian Authority (PA) doesn’t even want to negotiate… Continue reading

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Palestinians Turn to Europe for Recognition of State

Following the breakdown of direct talks with Israel, Palestinians have begun seeking international recognition of an independent state from European nations, CNN reported on Thursday… Continue reading

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PLO Secretary Yasser Abd Rabbo: Negotiations Are “a Useless Political Process”

Yasser Abd Rabbo, secretary of the PLO’s executive committee, claimed that Clinton’s speech was a repetition of familiar American positions. He claimed that negotiations between “occupier” and “occupied” were “a useless political process.” He said that the conflict would only… Continue reading

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Netanyahu: Talks should focus on ‘core issues’ that are at the root of the conflict

Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu described the issue of settlements Monday as a “marginal” part of peace talks and said he was glad the United States had abandoned its demand for a renewed freeze… Continue reading

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Why Did U.S. Peace Process Diplomacy Fail; What Happens Next?

It’s pretty remarkable that only after two years has the Obama Administration perhaps begun to get the first point: peace is not in the cards. One might also hope that it won’t take ten years to understand that the reason for this… Continue reading

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Palestinian Authority to Cancel All Security Commitments to Israel

Khana Amira, a senior Palestinian official, told the newspaper that the Palestinians are also considering canceling its other security commitments to Israel, including fighting terror… Continue reading

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Several Latin American Countries Recognize a Palestinian State with the 1967 Borders

Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, president of Brazil, sent an official letter to Ramallah recognizing a Palestinian state with the 1967 borders. Argentina made a similar declaration, but stated that it did not conflict with Israel’s right to… Continue reading

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Majority of PA Arabs See Two States as ‘Temporary Solution’

According to a new poll sponsored by the non-profit organization The Israel Project, a majority of Arabs in Judea, Samaria and Gaza favor two states only as a step towards an Arab state of Palestine… Continue reading

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Palestinians Continue Building Settlements Despite PA Ban

Palestinian workers continue to build houses in Jewish settlements according to Arabic international newspaper, A-Sharq Al-Awsat, even though the Palestinian Authority passed a law forbidding work in the settlements earlier this year… Continue reading

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Arafat and His Legacy: No To Peace, No To Compromise

Today, the Arafat era’s lessons have been largely swept under the rug: his persistent mendacity, use of terrorism, cynical exploitation of an “underdog” posture to garner sympathy, and unfailing devotion to the dream of wiping Israel off the map. The placing of that last priority over creating a Palestinian state is why… Continue reading

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Israeli Cabinet Will Only Consider A Final US 90-Day Settlement Freeze Proposal

Israel’s prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu briefed his Cabinet Sunday on the U.S. 90-day settlement freeze proposal to entice Israel to renew limits on settlement construction and revive stalled peace talks with the Palestinians… Continue reading

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One Palestinian Cartoon Shows Why There Isn’t Peace

After fifteen years of following the Palestinian Authority (PA) media on a daily basis, I’ve never seen anything that sums up the problem of why there’s no peace better than this cartoon in al-Hayat al-Jadida, the official PA newspaper. If only the Western mass media ran this cartoon the situation would be crystal-clear and… Continue reading

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Why Israel Won’t Define Its Borders In Advance Of Negotiations

First, beginning with the 1993 Israel-PLO agreement, it has been clearly mutually agreed that the issue of boundaries would be settled in negotiations. Negotiations are supposed to be a give and take process: Israel would give more on boundaries if it got more on other issues… Continue reading

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Jordan’s King Abdullah Meets Greek Foreign Minister

Jordan’s King Abdullah met with Greek Foreign Minister Dimitris Droutsas on Sunday to discuss bilateral relations and the latest developments in the Middle East peace process… Continue reading

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Israeli Assessments of Obama Are Far More Pessimistic Than You Know

Obama is so determined to “solve” the Israel-Palestinian conflict–due to his ideology–and is so full of the belief that he can do so–due to his excessive self-confidence plus inexperience–that he will make this virtually the highest foreign policy priority during his term’s remaining two years… Continue reading

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Palestinian President Abbas Presents Four Alternatives If Peace Talks Fail

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas is urging Arab leaders to consider alternatives if peace talks with Israel fail, including pressing the United States to recognize a unilateral declaration of statehood and, if it were to fail, to take the demand to the United Nations. President Abbas presented his four alternatives, which he described… Continue reading