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Israel-bashers always hold a double standard on rights abuse

Dries van Agt, the former dutch Prime Minister of The Netherlands, founded a Netherlands-based NGO, The Rights Forum. This NGO was launched on december 10, 2009, ‘The International Day of the Human Rights’. The NGO’s mission is “to give a platform for The International Rights which Israel is violating and to increase the diplomatic pressure… Continue reading

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Hanania wil PA-presidentschap

‘Yalla Salam’, ‘vooruit, vrede’, de wil tot praktische daden karakteriseert zowel de naam als het programma van Hanania’s nieuwe partij. Hij spreekt over compromissen, verklaringen van co-existentie en het delen van Jeruzalem… Continue reading

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Hillary’s bombshell

In a one-paragraph statement welcoming Israel’s ten-month-long freeze on building apartments in existing West Bank settlements, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton made a major statement. The dramatic new U.S. stance on Israel-Palestinian Authority peace agreement is camouflaged by brevity and subtle wording… Continue reading

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Abbas Says Settlement Freeze Insufficient

Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas dismissed an Israeli plan to temporarily halt new construction of West Bank settlements as insufficient on Friday, saying Palestinians don’t accept Israel’s tack in trying to restart peace negotiations… Continue reading

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Decision to suspend new construction in Judea and Samaria

Today, my cabinet authorized a policy of restraint regarding settlements which will include a suspension of new permits and new construction in Judea and Samaria for a period of ten months… Continue reading

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The 14 lies blocking peace in the Middle East

If a Martian were suddenly to land on earth and start listening to and reading the mainstream media, he would form the impression that the entire Middle East conflict were due to Israel building some settlements in land that much of the world thinks should become a Palestinian state… Continue reading

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Big Lies: Demolishing the Myths of the Propaganda War against Israel (part 1)

Demolishing some lies and myths about the refugee problem… Continue reading

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Big Lies: Demolishing the Myths of the Propaganda War against Israel (part 3)

Part 3 of a comprehensive study about the lies and myths that fuels the propaganda against Israel… Continue reading

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Hamas continues its policy of terrorism against Israel

Khaled Mashaal makes it clear that Hamas is determined to continue the path of “resistance” (i.e., terrorism) and that “other statements are political maneuvers.” He reveals that Hamas uses most of its financial resources in the Gaza Strip for military purposes rather than rebuilding… Continue reading

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Terrorism and Israeli-Palestinian conflict

This past week, despite the events on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, there was a decrease in the amount of rocket and mortar shell fire. One mortar shell hit was identified in an open field near the southern Israeli city of Sderot (October 7, 2009). There were no casualties and no damage was done. Elements within the Army of the Nation (a network affiliated with the global jihad) claimed responsibility for the attack, calling it retaliation for the events at Al-Aqsa mosque… Continue reading