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A Tainted Alliance: The Rise and Fall of American Influence in Iran

The memory of centuries of foreign manipulation and interference is a constant factor in the foreign and domestic policy of modern Iran… Continue reading

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Saudi Arabia, Gulf States: Iran Is Attacking Us; Obama Administration: Excuses, Excuses!

How sadly ironic. A few years ago, the two previous U.S. presidents were trying to get Gulf Arab states to do more to foster an… Continue reading

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Deadly Crackdown on Bahrain Protesters, Iran Rattled by Saudi Military Intervention

The contest between Iran and Saudi Arabia and the Sunni-Shiite split in the Arab world were ramped up to a dangerous level… Continue reading

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Two Iranian warships transit Suez for Syria, tighten siege on Israel

Twenty-four hours after Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak said the Egyptian upheaval had no military connotations for… Continue reading

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Iran’s New Foreign Minister: Ties with Saudi Arabia Top Priority

What is the highest priority for Iranian foreign policy–I mean the official and public foreign policy, not spreading revolution and terrorism–today? According to the new foreign minister it’s developing strong relations with… Continue reading