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How the U.S. Government Should Deal With the Jerusalem As Israel’s Capital Issue

Recently there has been a controversy when State Department spokespeople refused to say what they thought to be Israel’s capital. To understand this issue we need to understand that there are two different issues involved… Continue reading

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Who’s Really Isolated? He Who Misunderstands Middle East Realities

One of the mantras from Israel’s supposed foreign well-wishers is that the country is now “isolated.” Sure, on the surface this makes sense… Continue reading

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The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly About the Syrian Civil War

Ammar Abdulhamid may know more about Syria’s civil war than anyone else in the world. That’s no exaggeration. Barry Rubin interviewed Abdulhamid on the latest developments and trends… Continue reading

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U.S. Presidential Candidate Mitt Romney Captures Jerusalem

Speaking to an often-cheering group of about 400 people in Jerusalem, Governor Mitt Romney gave a speech less notable for what he said than for the fact that the audience believed he was sincere in saying it… Continue reading

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Understanding Real Israeli Politics

Stengel’s complaint is the precise description of Israeli politics nowadays… Continue reading

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Lebanon: Fractured Past, Bleak Present

Bill Harris is one of the world’s leading authorities on Lebanon. In this interview he discusses politics there; the possibilities of war with Israel; how Western policy let down the moderates; and the dramatic effects of the Syrian civil war on that neighboring country… Continue reading

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Muslim Brotherhood ‘Democracy’

Prior to Egypt’s presidential elections, Islamists made clear that the electoral process was an obligatory form of “holy war”… Continue reading

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Turkey Raises Central Asian Profil through SCO Link

The decision of the heads of state of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) in Beijing to designate Turkey a formal dialogue partner of the organization is yet another sign of recognition of Turkey’s growing influence in Central and South Asia… Continue reading

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Islamists Are Generally Winning But Not Everywhere and Not Inevitably

Hussein Ibish is one of the more interesting Arab writers on regional affairs. Ibish critiques the idea that assumes the inexorable rise of Islamist parties… Continue reading

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Trans-Anatolian Pipeline: A Geopolitical Achievement, but no Panacea for Turkey’s Energy Independence

The realization of the Trans-Anatolian Project by 2018 will strengthen Azerbaijan in strategic terms, offering it a route to the world markets that bypasses Russia… Continue reading

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Rethinking Libya

Islamist factions have not emerged to dominate the Libyan election results… Continue reading

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Israel is in Good Shape Because So Many Others Decided Not to Be

The more I think about Israel’s security situation at this moment, the better it looks… Continue reading

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A First Look at Egypt’s New Constitution Shows a Careful Ambiguity On Islamic Rule

Although it isn’t official, the first two articles of Egypt’s new Constitution have been reportedly drafted by the committee of parliamentarians charged with that task… Continue reading

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Does Power Moderate Radicals? Where’s the Proof?

An interesting and important question about the Middle East is whether being in power or running in an election inevitably moderates those who are radicals… Continue reading

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Erdogan’s Invitation to Gülen: Reconciliation or Power Play?

On June 14, 2012, Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan publicly invited Fethullah Gülen, the leader of the powerful Gülen Movement, to return to Turkey from self-imposed exile in the United States… Continue reading

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Who Rules Egypt? The Battle Begins

It is impossible for the moment to say what’s going to happen in Egypt. But there are two basic scenarios… Continue reading

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Turkey and Syria: An Undeclared State of War

After Syria’s downing of a Turkish aircraft over the eastern Mediterranean, the question is not so much why Syria shot it down as why the two neighbors have become embroiled in a confrontation in the first place… Continue reading

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In A Few Years China Will Likely Be the Second-Most Important Country for Israel

There is a remarkable amount of interest in China about Israel and Jews… Continue reading

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Congressman Calls for Hearings on ‘Radicalization’ of White Christian Women

Though his position may seem balanced, in fact, it reveals a dangerous mix of irrationality, moral relativism, and emotionalism… Continue reading

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Turkey trots toward Islamism

The Turkish regime is gradually suppressing freedom as its society moves steadily toward a more hardline Islamic identity… Continue reading

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Egypt: A Muslim Brotherhood President Does Not Prove That We Are All ‘Chimps’

Muhammad al-Mursi, the Muslim Brotherhood candidate, has become president of Egypt. But what does it mean to be president of Egypt?… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: El Baradei Returns to Cairo

More than 1,000 supporters converged on Cairo International airport to greet Mohamed ElBaradei… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: New Round of Muslim Brothers Arrests

The deputy leader of Egypt’s largest opposition movement, the Muslim Brotherhood, was detained by security forces… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: NDP Member Receives Warning for Meeting with Israeli Ambassador

The Press Syndicate issued a warning to a NDP member for violating its ban on contact with Israelis by meeting September 14 with the Israeli Ambassador in her office… Continue reading

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Why Should Obama Help Bring America’s Second-Worst Enemies to Power?

Here’s still another of a series of self-serving leaks from the Obama Administration. In this case, it reveals something very important about policy… Continue reading