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The Pragmatics of Lebanon’s Politics

Lebanese society has had a remarkable ability to overcome deep-rooted sectarian and religious divides that could readily have imploded less problematic countries… Continue reading

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What to Do About Syria

There is a strong case that can be made for doing nothing about the Syrian civil war, but a stronger case can be made for doing something… Continue reading

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Will Turkey Be Able to Join the West in Confronting Iran?

The international sanctions against Iran, and most recently the decision of the EU countries to stop importing oil from Iran, are ultimately going to have a major impact on Turkey… Continue reading

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Kastelorizo – Mediterranean Flashpoint?

That Athens controls this wisp of land implies it could claim an exclusive economic zone in the Mediterranean Sea that reduces the Turkish EEZ to a fraction of what it would be were the island under Ankara’s control… Continue reading

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Response to Ron Paul: Did U.S. Policy Make Today’s Islamist Iran Hate America?

Presidential candidate Ron Paul has said repeatedly that Iranians hate America because of its role in the 1953 coup overthrowing Prime Minister Muhammad Mossadegh… Continue reading

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Ankara and Baghdad: A Parting of Ways?

Until now, Turkey’s presence in Iraq has generally been encouraged by all major Iraqi groups… Continue reading

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Why We Should End Our Relationship With Pakistan

As Pakistanis burned American flags and the Washington Post wrote of “a new normal” in US-Pakistani relations earlier this month, it looked like the beginning of the end of five decades of friendly alliance between the two countries… Continue reading

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Assad contains Syrian uprising for now, with help of Russia, Iran and Hizballah

Ten months after the Syrian people launched an uprising against its ruler, Bashar Assad has recovered the bulk of his army’s support and his grip on most parts of the country… Continue reading

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Closer Ties or Further Diplomatic Tension between Israel and Ireland?

The Knesset speaker’s visit to Ireland, Irish F.M. Eamon Gilmore’s visit to Gaza, and the looming visit of an anti-Israeli Irish President… Continue reading

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Security and Defense: Israel is not About to Attack Iran and Neither is the United States

The radio superhero, The Shadow, had the power to “cloud men’s minds.” But nothing clouds men’s minds like anything that has to do with Jews or Israel… Continue reading

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Obama’s State of the Union Speech: My Response Discovers Some Curious Insights and Strange Formulations

In his State of the Union message, President Barack Obama began by wrapping himself in the flag, patriotism, and love of the armed forces while trying to highlight his foreign policy achievements… Continue reading

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Gold for Oil: India to Pay Gold instead of Dollars for Iranian Oil

India is the first buyer of Iranian oil to agree to pay for its purchases in gold instead of the US dollar… Continue reading

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Islamist Parties Dominate Egypt’s Parliament

We’re starting to get a good picture of what the lower house of Egypt’s parliament will be like… Continue reading

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USS Abraham Lincoln Transits Hormuz; USS Enterprise to Transit Hormuz in March

Three weeks after Tehran threatened action against any US aircraft carrier entering the Strait of Hormuz… Continue reading

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Are You Left-Wing or Right-Wing? Hopefully, I’m Honest-and-Accurate Wing

I ran into an older, retired Israeli colleague who is a fine scholar in his field and agreed to have coffee in a nearby Tel Aviv cafe. In the ensuing conversation I learned some key things about why current intellectual and political discussion is such a wreck… Continue reading

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Arabism Is Dead! Long Live…?

Many of the arguments and assumptions that governed the Arabic-speaking world for six decades have simply vanished… Continue reading

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Iran’s Revolutionary Guards Strike Oil

The IRGC’s seizure of the Oil Ministry could have far reaching economic, political, and strategic implications… Continue reading

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Israel’s Options as Muslim Brotherhood Gains Power

The political history of the modern Middle East can easily be divided into three eras… Continue reading

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Can Real Liberalism and the Democratic Party Be Saved from the Radical Takeover?

The far left has at least temporarily won the battle of ideas in the United States and taken over institutions by pretending to be “liberal”… Continue reading

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Israel-US Relations: Netanyahu Called Off Joint US-Israel Drill

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, not the Obama administration, decided to call off the biggest ever joint US-Israeli military exercise… Continue reading

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Knesset speaker visits Ireland: “It is legitimate to criticise us but first you must know the facts”

Ireland and Israel have had a less than harmonious relationship over the years so the significance of Mr. Rivlin’s visit has been highlighted by Israeli officials, noting that high-level bilateral contact between Ireland and Israel are relatively rare… Continue reading

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Iran’s 2012 Parliamentary Elections: first vetting stage ends; Khamenei calls for mass participation

Iran’s top regime officials are stepping up efforts to ensure the highest possible voter turnout in the March 2 elections. Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei called for mass participation in the elections… Continue reading

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US, Israel in open rift over Iran

US-Israeli discord over action against Iran went into overdrive when the White House called off the biggest joint war game the US and Israel have ever staged… Continue reading

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The Changing Objects of Fear: The Arrest of Ilker Basbug

In the early hours of January 6, General İlker Başbuğ, chief of the Turkish General Staff from 2008 to 2010, was arrested and imprisoned on allegations of “founding or directing an armed terrorist organization, inciting the overthrow of the government of the Turkish Republic or the prevention of it fulfilling its duties”… Continue reading

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Such a “Great” Idea It Can Now Be Proclaimed But Not Criticized: Obama Supports the Muslim Brotherhood

The Obama Administration, as I’ve written for the last year, is favoring radical Islamist forces… Continue reading