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U.S. Political Engineering in the Middle East: Its Already Created Disaster Once Before

Few realize how U.S. policy at the start of the radical Islamist era in Middle East history parallels that… Continue reading

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Binding and Non-Binding Agreements Pertaining to the Arab-Israeli Conflict

International law has played a central role in attempting to solve the Arab-Israel conflict… Continue reading

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Turkey: in between Political Islam and the Military

This paper analyses the impact of domestic dynamics on its relations with Israel during the current AKP government and the RP led government in the 1990s… Continue reading

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The Unmasking of Namik Tan

It is truly amazing that the Turkish government would send to Washington in 2010 an Ambassador who had opposed Erdogan’s Islamist party… Continue reading

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Russia says military strike on Iran ‘very serious mistake’

On Monday Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov warned that a possible Israeli military strike against Iran… Continue reading

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Ahmadinejad’s decision to appoint an ally as advisor on international affairs strongly criticized

A decision made by President Ahmadinejad last week to appoint his ally Ali Sa’idlou as vice-president on international affairs… Continue reading

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My Education

When I was getting a great education they made us read Shakespeare and Dickens; Wordsworth and Keats; Hemmingway and Faulkner… Continue reading