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What Direction Will the Current Wave of Palestinian Terrorism Take?

Possible future trends expressed in Palestinian political and media discourse… Read more

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Palestinians: A World of Lies, Deception and Fabrications

When the spilling of Jewish blood hides behind the false narrative of “peaceful or popular resistance”… Read more

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Serial Stabbing: Part of the Modus Operandi of the Palestinian “Popular Resistance”

The Modus Operandi of Palestinian “Popular Resistance” attacks… Continue reading

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Pro-Palestinianism in the EU: Diplomats Taking Sides in Israel-Palestinian Conflict

Foreign diplomats, mainly European, participate in popular resistance activities in Judea and Samaria… Continue reading

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PA Leader Abbas Releases Hamas Terrorist Just 4 Months After Murdering Four Israelis

PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas decided to release a Hamas terrorist from prison just four months after he and other Hamas gunmen ambushed and killed four Israeli civilians (all residents of Bet Haggai) in their car… Continue reading

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The Anti-Israel Ideology of the International Solidarity Movement

The International Solidarity Movement (ISM) is a network founded by extreme American leftists and part of the campaign to delegitimize Israel. In the second intifada it specialized in hindering IDF counterterrorism activity, indirectly supporting terrorism… Continue reading

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Declarations Regarding the Plan to Establish a Palestinian State

The decision made by the International Quartet to support the establishment of an independent Palestinian state turned it into an international project. According to Salam Fayyad, if the plan fails… Continue reading