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Iran: all nuclear installations now underground

Iran announced yesterday that it had completed the transfer of its nuclear facilities underground… Continue reading

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Iran: “Traditional conservatives” vs. “deviant faction”

Last weekend Basij chief Mohammad-Reza Naqdi announced that, over the next several months, the public would be given new… Continue reading

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Iran: Official Media Increasingly Criticized for Ignoring Syria Riots

Despite the escalation of Syria’s political crisis, most media affiliated with Iran’s conservative camp, mainly official media, have continued to… Continue reading

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Iran: Are the Events in the Arab World a Sign of the Mehdi’s Coming Return?

A documentary shown in Iran in the past several months has provoked a heated religious-legal debate… Continue reading

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Iran: Ayatollah Rafsanjani Faces a Vote on His Future

With the approach of the internal elections for the Assembly of Experts leadership, slated for the assembly’s meeting on March 8-9, this week has seen… Continue reading

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Religious Ruling Bans Use of “Islamic” Mobile Phones in Bathrooms

Top conservative cleric Ayatollah Ja’far Sobhani has recently ruled that religious law forbids the use of mobile phones containing Islamic contents in bathrooms… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: Don’t Tell Us What To Do, India Warns U.S.

In a meeting shortly after controversial stopover visit of Iranian president – who told Indian prime minister that the “world is changing in Iran’s favour” – Delhi’s top diplomat was uncomplimentary about the visitor to… Continue reading

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Supreme Leader: Martyrdom Is At The Very Core of Iran’s Identity

The Islamic Republic News Agency reports that the Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has said that belief in martyrdom and the culture of glorifying status of martyrs is at the very core of Iran’s identity… Continue reading

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Revolutionary Guards Increasingly Penetrating Into Iranian Economy

Revolutionary Guards’ involvement in economy: Khatam-ol Anbiya’ Corporation to take part in newly-launched project to construct Iran’s largest highway. The project involves the construction of a six-lane highway with a total length of… Continue reading

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Iranian Reformist Cleric Accuses Khamenei of Overstepping His Authorities

Ayatollah Ali-Mohammad Dastgheib, a top cleric affiliated with the reformist bloc, has recently published on his official website a religious ruling challenging the regime’s interpretation of the concept of “rule of the religious jurisprudent”, which has been in place since… Continue reading

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Conservative Camp Steps Up Criticism of Ahmadinejad

Criticism of President Ahmadinejad by the conservative camp has reached new peaks this week. In an extended interview granted by conservative Majles member Ali Motahari to Soroush, a weekly affiliated with Iran Broadcasting, he claimed that… Continue reading

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The Iranian regime and its theological elite regarding the nuclear issue

Ayatollah Mesbah Yazdi, a religious authority and Iranian president Ahmadinejad’s spiritual mentor, implies in a theological-political book that Iran must acquire a nuclear weapon… Continue reading

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Iran Hostage Crisis – Letter from Carter to Khomeini

The Iran hostage crisis was a diplomatic crisis between Iran and the United States (during the Jimmy Carter Administration) where 53 Americans were held hostage for 444 days from November 4, 1979 to January 20, 1981, after a group of Islamist students and militants took over the American embassy. United States President Jimmy Carter wrote a letter to Ayatollah Khomeini asking the release of the American Hostages… Continue reading