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Why Do Iranians And Turks Want Arabs To Fight Jews?

If you want to understand how the debate goes in the Arabic-speaking world and the ways liberals there try to get across their message, there’s nothing better to read than Abdul Rahman Al-Rashed’s article, “Erdogan…Fulfill Your Promises.” It’s also very easy to misunderstand… Continue reading

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Turkish PM Erdogan: Hizbullah Not Involved In Rafik Hariri Assassination

The Lebanese daily Al-Safir reported on Monday that Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan does not believe Hizbullah is connected to the 2005 Rafik Hariri assassination. Rafik Hariri was then Lebanese prime minister and is the father of the current Prime Minister Sa’ad Hariri… Continue reading

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Lebanese Armenians Unhappy With Erdogan’s Visit To Lebanon

Hundreds of Lebanese of Armenian descent gathered in the capital’s Martyrs’ Square and clashed with army troops during a protest Thursday over a visit to Beirut by the Turkish prime minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan… Continue reading

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Beware The Leader Who Bangs The Drums of War

It should be getting pretty hard even for Western leaders to ignore the Turkish regime’s growing alliance with their enemies. Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s visit to Lebanon included a very dangerous statement that must not go unnoticed… Continue reading

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Changing Of The Guard: Judicial Reforms Reinforce Concerns About the AKP’s Increasing Authoritarianism

The restructuring of the Supreme Board of Judges and Prosecutors (HSYK), which is responsible for appointments and disciplinary procedures in the Turkish judicial system, was one of the key reforms in the package of constitutional amendments which were approved in a referendum… Continue reading

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Turkey Moving Toward A Semi-Dictatorship

Soner Cagaptay, senior fellow and director of the Turkish Research Program at The Washington Institute, writes in an article that since 2002, when Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan’s Justice and Development Party (AKP) came to power… Continue reading

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Turkey Declares Israel As A Threat

Only hours ago I wrote about the Turkish regime’s decision, in its official main strategy document, to drop revolutionary Islamism or Iran as threats–because they are now its allies–in the main NSC document. It was only a matter of time, I added, before they declared Israel or… Continue reading

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Turkish PM Erdogan: Those Who Follow Islam Cannot Kill People

When Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan was touring parts of flooded areas in Pakistan last week, he used his visit to Pakistan to attack Israel and to polish his image as a champion of Muslim solidarity… Continue reading

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Iran-Syria Bloc Consolidates Alliance With Turkish Regime

In effect, Ahmadinejad is saying: I insult America! I am leader of the Palestinian struggle! I’m going to get nuclear weapons! I’ve got it all. Now, if there was only some Western leadership to organize the other side there might be more hope of… Continue reading

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Chinese Warplanes In Turkey and Iran

The arrival of a new Middle East player startled Washington and Jerusalem: debkafile’s military sources disclose that when Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan met Syrian president Bashar Assad in Damascus Monday, Oct. 11, they talked less about the Kurdish question and more about… Continue reading

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IHH Plans New Flotilla to Challenge Naval Blockade of Gaza

The Turkish-based IHH group that sent terror activists on a flotilla ship in May to clash with IDF soldiers, hoping to break Israel’s blockade of Gaza, now plans to launch a second attempt to coincide with the anniversary of the Cast Lead counter-terrorism war… Continue reading

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An Open Letter to Mr. Recep Tayyip Erdogan

“You have accomplished in eight years what no other contemporary Turkish politician could achieve. You have successfully entered the final stages in your efforts to transform Atatürk’s Turkey into an Arab-style Islamist dictatorship… Continue reading

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De Linkse Politieke Partijen en het Israelisch-Palestijns Vraagstuk

Als we de verkiezingsprogramma’s vergelijken van de partijen die meedoen met de Tweede Kamer verkiezingen op 9 juni 2010, dan valt op dat vooral de linkse partijen een desastreus Midden Oosten politiek volgen vanwege hun eenzijdige benadering van het Israëlisch-Palestijns vraagstuk… Continue reading

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The Freedom Flotilla

Israel said it will not allow solidarity ships to reach the Gaza coast while media reports indicated that the Israeli Navy was ordered to prevent the humanitarian ships from reaching Gaza, even if this means using military force against… Continue reading

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Turkey’s New Political Balance: Old AKP and New Kemalism

Turkey’s protracted political battle between the governing Justice and Development Party, or AKP, and its opponents reached a crescendo this month with the Turkish Parliament’s vote on proposed constitutional amendments… Continue reading

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The Ship Intifada: “a Flotilla of Aid”

The flotilla of aid to the Gaza Strip is in its final preparations before setting sail to the Gaza Strip; reports say that the first ships are scheduled to leave… Continue reading

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Will Turkey Lead a Revived Islamic Empire?

In 2005, the National Intelligence Council, or NIC, produced a report called, “Mapping the Global Future: Project 2020.” According to this report, within the next several years, we may expect to see the emergence of a fledgling caliphate, or revived Islamic empire… Continue reading

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Over Boerka’s en Amnesty

Op NOS-teletekst lees ik het bericht dat Amnesty International scherpe kritiek heeft op het (wellicht aanstaande) boerka-verbod in België. Volgens Amnesty is het in strijd met de mensenrechten en de vrijheid van meningsuiting. Daarnaast gaat er een gevaarlijke precedentwerking vanuit… Continue reading

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Obama Again Avoids To Use The Word ‘Genocide’ In Armenian Remembrance Message

US President Barack Obama declined, for a second time, to use the word “genocide” to describe the atrocities experienced by Armenians at the hands of the Ottoman Empire a century ago… Continue reading

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There Can Be No Talk Of Genocide

In a SPIEGEL interview, Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan discusses Ankara’s relationship with the European Union, the debate over genocide against the Armenians and his role as a mediator in the dispute over Iran’s nuclear policy… Continue reading

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The Armenian Genocide and The Turks

The month of April marks the 95th anniversary of the start of the Armenian genocide. Between 1915 and 1918, some 800,000 to 1.5 million people were murdered in what is now eastern Turkey, or died on death marches in the northern Syrian desert. It was one of the first genocides of the 20th century… Continue reading

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Turkey’s Regime Marches Toward Islamism

More evidence piles up every day that the Turkish government is moving toward radical Islamism yet Western policymakers pretend it merely combines a nice flavor of moderate Islam combined with democracy… Continue reading

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The Obama Administration’s Double Standards on The Middle East

While the Obama Administration is fiddling over the construction of apartments in Jerusalem, the Middle East is burning. Yet these other issues don’t attract the attention—and certainly not the action—required… Continue reading

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Eurabia and Why Europe Hates its Jews – Again

This article outlines precisely how the Euro-Islamic Alliance cult is turning Europe into an Eurabia entity and laying the foundation for a new holocaust against the European Jews and, this time, against a national Jewish State as well: Israel… Continue reading

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Turkey Shows its True Face

In the aftermath of the Gaza war the friendship between Turkey and Israel is declining more and more… Continue reading