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Hoe een Links-Islamistische Alliantie de Democratie in Turkije Ondermijnt

Beangstigende ontwikkelingen vinden in Turkije plaats. Het stiekeme Islamitische regime is een steeds grotere bedreiging voor critici en creëert valse samenzweringen tegen zichzelf om meer macht naar zich toe te kunnen trekken en dit te rechtvaardigen… Continue reading

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How a Leftist-Islamist Alliance is Subverting Democracy in Turkey

Even if you aren’t interested in Turkey you should read this article as a case study of how Islamism works and how too many people in the West are taken in by it… Continue reading

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Why there is a Turkish carpet on the psychiatric couch

A closer look at Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s world view, mixing Western concepts of progress, modern Turkish nationalism and Islamic traditions. But does all this go hand in hand with his attitude towards women… Continue reading

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Obama hails Erdogan as “friend”, despite Turkey’s shifting away from Israel and the West

In a report U.S. President Obama characterized Turkey as “a great country” and Turkey’s Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan “as a personal friend”. Obama said also that he was optimistic about the prospect of “stronger and stronger” bilateral ties in the future. According to Obama Turkey could be “an important player” in efforts to prod Iran to keep its nuclear program peaceful. But in saying this, questions arise about Obama’s… Continue reading

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Islamism 2.0

To borrow a computer term, if Ayatollah Khomeini, Osama bin Laden, and Nidal Hasan represent Islamism 1.0, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan (the prime minister of Turkey), Tariq Ramadan (a Swiss intellectual), andKeith Ellison (a U.S. congressman) represent Islamism 2.0. The former kill more people but the latter pose a greater threat to Western civilization… Continue reading

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A muslim can never commit genocide

Today I read an article about the Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan, also leader of the muslim-conservative AK party in Turkey, who reportedly has said: “It’s not possible for a Muslim to commit genocide.”… Continue reading