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Iran: Official Media Increasingly Criticized for Ignoring Syria Riots

Despite the escalation of Syria’s political crisis, most media affiliated with Iran’s conservative camp, mainly official media, have continued to… Continue reading

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Iran: Exiled Reformist Cleric Calls for Public Debate on Nuclear Issue

Reformist cleric Hojjat-ol-Eslam Hassan Yousefi Eshkevari, currently in exile in Germany, published an extraordinary article last week… Continue reading

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Iran: Rafsanjani Loses Key Post, Mahdavi Kani New Assembly of Experts Chairman

Former Iranian President Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani has been replaced as head of the Assembly of Experts committee constitutionally tasked with… Continue reading

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Iran: Growing Criticism as Opposition Leaders Remain Under Arrest

In recent days, there has been growing criticism from the reformist camp over the continuing arrest of reformist opposition leaders… Continue reading

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Iran: Regime Escalates Repression – Where’s the International Reaction?

It is now confirmed that the Iranian government has kidnapped the two leading opposition leaders. This is the most serious single act of repression… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: Iran Elections, Disarray in Both Conservative and Reformist Camps, Moussavi too Unknown for Many

Iranian analysts in Iran and the UK see no clear trends or emerging patterns in the campaigns of candidates for President in the run… Continue reading

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Iran’s Top Opposition Leaders Secretly Jailed, West Fails to Act Again

The disappearance of Iran’s two most prominent opposition figures, Mir-Hossein Moussavi and Mehdi Karroubi, was not mentioned in the… Continue reading

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“Cyber war” Between Iran’s Regime and Opposition-Supporting Western Media

As protest demonstrations resume, the cyber war between Iran’s regime and its opponents has escalated as well in the recent two weeks… Continue reading

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Iran: Growing Demands to Put Opposition Leaders to Trial

In the past week, there have been growing demands to put the reformist opposition leaders to trial following the reformist opposition demonstrations… Continue reading

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Reformist Opposition brings Thousands to Iran’s Streets for first time since 2009 Protests

On Monday, February 14, several thousand demonstrators held protest rallies as planned, despite heavy deployment of the security forces… Continue reading

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Rift between Ayatollah Rafsanjani and Iran’s Regime Deepens

With the elections for the Assembly of Experts leadership coming up next month, in recent weeks government supporters in the conservative camp have stepped up their criticism… Continue reading

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Intelligence Minister Reveals Iran Deciphered Encrypted E-mail Correspondence of Regime Opponents

Iran’s Intelligence Minister Hojjat-ol-Eslam Heydar Moslehi announced last weekend that, during the riots that had broken out after the presidential election in June 2009, the Intelligence Ministry had intercepted encrypted… Continue reading

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Iran’s Reformist Opposition Insinuated Political Motives For The Murder Of Two Doctors

On September 21, Dr. Abdol-Reza Soudbakhsh was killed outside of his office in Tehran. Dr. Gholam-Reza Sarabi, a heart surgeon from Tehran, was killed one day later. Two suspects in the killing were detained shortly thereafter. They admitted to… Continue reading

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Iranian Reformist Cleric Accuses Khamenei of Overstepping His Authorities

Ayatollah Ali-Mohammad Dastgheib, a top cleric affiliated with the reformist bloc, has recently published on his official website a religious ruling challenging the regime’s interpretation of the concept of “rule of the religious jurisprudent”, which has been in place since… Continue reading

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Revolutionary Guard Inc.

The secretive paramilitary group, according to the U.S., arms both violent Shiite militias in Iraq and Hezbollah. It runs feared prisons inside Iran. The Revolutionary Guard also has a big role that is less understood in the West: an active player in business… Continue reading

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Has the Opposition in Iran Reconsidered its Stance?

A political scandal was sparked in Iran last week when reformist opposition leader Mehdi Karoubi was quoted by the conservative Fars news agency saying that he recognized President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad as the president of Iran… Continue reading

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The Riots of Ashura: Reformist Opposition continues in Iran

Iran’s ongoing political crisis, which began following the presidential elections, spread to the Shi’ite mourning rituals (Tasu’a and Ashura) marked early last week… Continue reading