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Prison for Journalists: Wave of Journalists’ Arrests in Iran

Iranian reformist opposition and human rights sources have reported a wave of arrests of journalists and social media activists… Continue reading

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Iran: Rafsanjani’s official website blocked — another stage in his exclusion from politics

The official website of Ayatollah Ali Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani was blocked by the Iranian authorities last weekend… Continue reading

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Islamic Dress Code: Students Denied Entry to Tehran University

The official in charge of security in Tehran University has announced this week that the university started preventing students who do not abide by the Islamic dress code from entering the campus grounds… Continue reading

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New Initiative in Iran to Reinforce Gender Segregation

In the past week, Iranian media reported on several new initiatives designed to reinforce gender segregation in Iranian society. Reformist elements, on the other hand, criticized the proposal, claiming that it was both impossible and undesirable to separate men and women everywhere… Continue reading