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Radical Islamist Hamas Movement Struggles to Present a Moderate Image Since the Palestinian Reconciliation Agreement

Statements made by senior Hamas figures since the internal Palestinian reconciliation agreement attempt to present a moderate image… Continue reading

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PM Netanyahu on Nakba Day: ‘We’re determined to defend our borders’

In face of attempts to cross Israel’s northern and southern borders, Netanyahu says he instructed the IDF to stop all attempts to infiltrate… Continue reading

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U.S. Won’t Support Any Palestinian Fatah-Hamas Gov’t Unless Hamas Reforms

The U.S. won’t support any Fatah-Hamas government that includes Hamas unless the Islamist Jihadi group reforms… Continue reading

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Christians and Jews Under Attack

The main threat to the Jewish people today is no longer physical, as it was in the past. Rather, it is directed at the legitimacy and survival of the State of Israel itself, the Jewish State… Continue reading

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Hamas: No Place For Israel Among The Nations

Khaled Mashaal, head of Hamas’ political bureau, again proclaimed that “Palestine belongs to the Palestinians and there is no place in it for Israel.” He called on the Palestinian Authority not to rely on the United States because President Obama, especially after… Continue reading