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Russia-Turkey Strains Deepen over Syria

The Syrian crisis is a good test of the strength of the Russia-Turkish detente… Continue reading

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Turkey’s Changing Syria Policy: Giving Diplomacy a Chance?

Turkey’s Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and Iran’s president Mahmoud Ahmedinejad, meeting in Baku, Azerbaijan, proposed that the crisis in Syria be addressed through diplomatic methods and called for the establishment of an international mechanism for dialogue… Continue reading

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Turkey-Azerbaijan Summit Consummates Reconciliation

Turkish-Azerbaijani relations have been on the rebound in recent months since the Turkish-Armenian reconciliation effort has effectively collapsed over differences… Continue reading

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Turkey Raises Central Asian Profil through SCO Link

The decision of the heads of state of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) in Beijing to designate Turkey a formal dialogue partner of the organization is yet another sign of recognition of Turkey’s growing influence in Central and South Asia… Continue reading

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Trans-Anatolian Pipeline: A Geopolitical Achievement, but no Panacea for Turkey’s Energy Independence

The realization of the Trans-Anatolian Project by 2018 will strengthen Azerbaijan in strategic terms, offering it a route to the world markets that bypasses Russia… Continue reading

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Turkey’s Leadership Ambitions in NATO Weakened by Petty Politics

NATO’s May 20-21 heads-of-state summit in Chicago reminded everyone how Turkey is making important contributions to NATO in many key areas… Continue reading

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Syria is the Spanish Civil War of our Time

Spain 1936. An army revolt against the democratically elected government sets off a civil war. Syria 2012. The people revolt against the dictatorship setting off a civil war… Continue reading

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How Can Obama’s Middle East Policy Possibly Get Worse? Answer: Look at Syria

Some of my readers are unhappy that I keep criticizing President Barack Obama and his government. The problem is that this administration keeps doing terrible things in the Middle East… Continue reading

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The Al Houla atrocity: The outcome of nuclear diplomacy with Iran

Bashar Assad and his army chiefs can safely carry on with their “unspeakable crimes” for the next six months under the Iranian-Russian umbrella… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: Iranian Exporter Discusses Regime Pressures, Smuggling Routes, and Iran Narcotics Problem

Iranian manufacturer and exporter said that he and other export/importers utilizing the Russia-Azerbaijan-Iran route and reverse are occasionally approached by known regime insiders or representatives of Iranian security for “help” in bringing in mis-labeled shipments into and out of Iran… Continue reading

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Debate in the Mainstream Arabic-Speaking Universe: Only One Flavor Available

Westerners tend to believe that the debate in the Arabic-speaking universe is sort of like debate in the West… Continue reading

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What is Russia Doing in the Middle East?

What is most notable about Russian Middle East policy is that it tends to side with the extremist forces… Continue reading

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What to Do About Syria

There is a strong case that can be made for doing nothing about the Syrian civil war, but a stronger case can be made for doing something… Continue reading

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Assad contains Syrian uprising for now, with help of Russia, Iran and Hizballah

Ten months after the Syrian people launched an uprising against its ruler, Bashar Assad has recovered the bulk of his army’s support and his grip on most parts of the country… Continue reading

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Why Syria’s Regime is Surviving a Revolution

Despite what is now the longest-running revolution in Middle Eastern history, the Syrian regime will probably be in power on December 31, 2012… Continue reading

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Gold for Oil: India to Pay Gold instead of Dollars for Iranian Oil

India is the first buyer of Iranian oil to agree to pay for its purchases in gold instead of the US dollar… Continue reading

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Turkey and Cyprus’ Gas: More Troubles Ahead in 2012

New tension is brewing between Turkey and Cyprus after Cyprus’ and Israel’s enormous gas finds in the Eastern Mediterranean… Continue reading

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U.S. Military Build-Up Around Iran Continues

The Pentagon is substantially building up its combat power around Iran… Continue reading

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US, Russian, French and British air and naval forces are gathering around the Syrian and Iranian coasts

US, Russian French and British air and naval forces streamed to the Syrian and Iranian coasts over the weekend… Continue reading

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U.S. Policy and Iran: Why Obama’s Bargain has Failed

This notion of choice is the basis for Obama Administration policy toward Iran… Continue reading

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Did Russia Play a Major Role in Iran’s Capture of the US Stealth Drone?

Moscow is deeply involved in helping Iran repel the next and most critical stage of the cyber war… Continue reading

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Turkey Falls Out with Russia: Another Sign of a Foreign Policy in Crisis

Wherever one looks, Turkey’s “zero problems with neighbors” policy is fading… Continue reading

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Countdown to Conflict: Military Build-Up around Syria

The armies of Syria’s seven neighbors were already scrambling into position on standby on its borders for acts of… Continue reading

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Syrian army deserters hit intel facility near Damascus

The Assad regime suffered a major shock when self-styled “Free Syrian Army” deserters firing shoulder-borne rockets and… Continue reading

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Turkish Foreign Policy in Evolution

Turkish government representatives insist that they want to develop good ties in all directions… Continue reading