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Russia says military strike on Iran ‘very serious mistake’

On Monday Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov warned that a possible Israeli military strike against Iran… Continue reading

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What Gaddafi’s Death Teaches the Middle East…And Should Teach the West

What can we learn from the death of Libyan dictator Moammar Qadhafi… Continue reading

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FM Sergey Lavrov Addresses the General Debate of the 66th Session of the General Assembly

As for Syria, it is inadmissible to boycott proposals on a national dialogue, stir up confrontation and provoke violence… Continue reading

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Iranian reservations over Russia’s “step-by-step” program for resumption of nuclear talks

The “step-by-step” program for the resumption of nuclear talks between Iran and the West… Continue reading

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Majles Research Center warns about NATO’s new strategy and its consequences for Iran

Last month the Majles Research Center published a report warning about the new strategy adopted by NATO in recent years… Continue reading

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A Tainted Alliance: The Rise and Fall of American Influence in Iran

The memory of centuries of foreign manipulation and interference is a constant factor in the foreign and domestic policy of modern Iran… Continue reading

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Turkey Faces Difficult Challenges in a Volatile Foreign Policy Environment

Foreign and defense policies did not figure prominently in the recent general election in Turkey… Continue reading

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The Mediterranean Sea and Its Relationship to Cyprus: A Study of a Mediterranean Island to the Ottoman Empire

The Mediterranean islands, particularly Cyprus, proved invaluable to the expansion for the Ottoman Empire… Continue reading

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Another ticking bomb under Assad: Hariri “Special Tribunal for Lebanon” heads for Damascus

The Lebanese capital was not the only first stop for a delegation of the UN-backed Special Tribunal for Lebanon… Continue reading

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Three Russian designers of Iran’s nuclear plant die in plane crash

The three Russian nuclear scientists who planned, designed, built and put into operation Iran’s first nuclear reactor at Bushehr this year… Continue reading

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Syria: Dissidents Unite to Oust Assad

Twenty years ago, I was a school kid chanting with my peers, “Our leader forever, the father, Hafez Assad!” Back then, I could not have imagined… Continue reading

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Moscow opposes Western anti-Syrian motions because of Tripoli bombing

Russia is opposed to any UN Security Council resolution on Syria,” Russian Foreign Ministry spokesman Alexander Lukashevich told journalists… Continue reading

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Whither Turkey-U.S. Arms Sales?

Turkey’s recent decision to spend billions of dollars buying U.S.-made helicopters underscores the continuing significance of… Continue reading

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Iran’s Media Steps Up Criticism of Azerbaijan

In recent weeks Iranian media have taken an increasingly critical stance towards Azerbaijan. Most of the criticism against… Continue reading

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Israeli Natural Gas: A Game Changer

Energy has always been at the center of the Arab-Israeli conflict, creating alliances and influencing the policies of allies and adversaries alike… Continue reading

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The AKP’s Election Manifesto: The Silences That Ring Alarm Bells

In late April 2011, the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) and the main opposition Republican People’s Party (CHP) announced their manifestos… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: New IAEA Chief Agrees With U.S. On “Every Key Strategic Decision”

The incoming head of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) assures the U.S. that he agrees with the U.S. on… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: Cables Portray Hamid Karzai as Weak and Corrupt

Diplomats describe Afghan president as weak, indecisive, paranoid and beholden to criminals to maintain power… Continue reading

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The Potential Demise of the CFE Treaty: A Major Concern for Turkey

Moscow’s decision to “suspend” its compliance with the Conventional Forces in Europe (CFE) Treaty since… Continue reading

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Reading Ahmadinejad in Riga

There’s nothing like having to explain a complex subject to people to improve one’s own understanding of the issues… Continue reading

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UN Resolution 377 – A Clear Danger

The significance of the ruling cannot be overstated: It challenges the power of the veto. The UN Charter Does Not Support GA Resolution 377… Continue reading

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Nuclear and Gas Pipeline Woes Trouble Russian-Turkish Energy Partnership

The nuclear disaster in Japan has further complicated the complex energy relationship between Turkey and Russia… Continue reading

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UN Intervention into Libya an Ominous Precedent for Israel

There are many reasons to be worried about the bridge-leap the Obama Administration has just undertaken in its war with Muammar Gaddafi… Continue reading

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Israeli and Saudi leaders meet in Moscow as Palestinians ramp up Missile Strikes

As Russian, Israeli and Saudi leaders discussed the ramifications of the Arab uprising in Moscow and… Continue reading

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UNSC Authorizes Strikes on Libya, Five Air Forces set to Attack Libya, Gaddafi Threatens Reprisals

The United Nations Security Council voted Thursday to authorize military force against Libyan leader Colonel Muammar Gadhafi’s forces… Continue reading