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BDS and the Jewish Studies Trap

BDS movement demanding Israel’s extinction… Continue reading

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Thoughts on Iran, Nuclear Weapons, and Tehran’s Regional Role

Months ago, I wrote that the hysteria about Israel allegedly being about to attack Iran and the argument by some that Israel should do so were nonsense… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: Iranian Exporter Discusses Regime Pressures, Smuggling Routes, and Iran Narcotics Problem

Iranian manufacturer and exporter said that he and other export/importers utilizing the Russia-Azerbaijan-Iran route and reverse are occasionally approached by known regime insiders or representatives of Iranian security for “help” in bringing in mis-labeled shipments into and out of Iran… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: Israeli Intentions Regarding the Iranian Nuclear Program

Israel sees Iran as the primary threat to its security and sees the enrichment cycle as the “point of no return” for Tehran’s nuclear weapons program… Continue reading

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Crisis in US-Israel Relations over Nuclear Talks with Iran

In the last 24 hours, the approach of international talks with Iran on its nuclear program has escalated already high tensions over the issue between the Obama administration and the Israeli government… Continue reading

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Dervla Murphy seeks the dissolution of the Jewish State – Part 2

The second part of this article analyses the views of the critics that Murphy quotes as a test of their credability… Continue reading

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Will Turkey Be Able to Join the West in Confronting Iran?

The international sanctions against Iran, and most recently the decision of the EU countries to stop importing oil from Iran, are ultimately going to have a major impact on Turkey… Continue reading

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Security and Defense: Israel is not About to Attack Iran and Neither is the United States

The radio superhero, The Shadow, had the power to “cloud men’s minds.” But nothing clouds men’s minds like anything that has to do with Jews or Israel… Continue reading

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Gold for Oil: India to Pay Gold instead of Dollars for Iranian Oil

India is the first buyer of Iranian oil to agree to pay for its purchases in gold instead of the US dollar… Continue reading

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Iran’s Revolutionary Guards Strike Oil

The IRGC’s seizure of the Oil Ministry could have far reaching economic, political, and strategic implications… Continue reading

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Israel-US Relations: Netanyahu Called Off Joint US-Israel Drill

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, not the Obama administration, decided to call off the biggest ever joint US-Israeli military exercise… Continue reading

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U.S. Policy and Iran: Why Obama’s Bargain has Failed

This notion of choice is the basis for Obama Administration policy toward Iran… Continue reading

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Tehran dismisses Western threats to impose sanctions on import of oil from Iran

Iran dismissed the threats increasingly made by European countries to impose new sanctions on its petroleum industry… Continue reading

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Iran: Possible scenarios of war against Iran: a look from Tehran

For years the West has tried various tactics against Iran… Continue reading

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Countdown to Conflict: Military Build-Up around Syria

The armies of Syria’s seven neighbors were already scrambling into position on standby on its borders for acts of… Continue reading

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Iran’s NPT withdrawal threats resume following IAEA report

Iran once again threatens to withdraw from the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT) following… Continue reading

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Syria: Minority Regions Braced for Civil War

Two of Syria’s most important minorities, the Alawites and the Druzes, fear that… Continue reading

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FM Walid Al-Moualem Addresses the General Debate of the 66th Session of the General Assembly

There are two sides to the problem Syria faces today… Continue reading

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Obama Administration Calls for End to Syrian Dictatorship But Reveals Its Own Worldview

After months of rebellion in Syria and heavy repression there, the Obama Administration has finally called for the downfall of… Continue reading

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Curbing Tehran’s Nuclear Ambitions: Tightening the Economic Noose

Are sanctions capable of derailing Tehran’s nuclear drive? Some skeptics reject such measures altogether… Continue reading

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Iranian reservations over Russia’s “step-by-step” program for resumption of nuclear talks

The “step-by-step” program for the resumption of nuclear talks between Iran and the West… Continue reading

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Western Failure to Support the Real Freedom Fighters in the Middle East Is A Disgrace

Anthony Shadid, the New York Times’ pro-Islamist correspondent, writes an article on the… Continue reading

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Syria: Who Needs a Propaganda Operation When You Have the New York Times?

To be immoral is bad; to be immoral against your own interests is worse… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: UN Nuclear Chief Promises to Take a Low-Profile Role on Iran

Yukiya Amano thanks the US for its support in getting him elected, and promises that under his leadership, the… Continue reading

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Who Makes U.S. Policy? UN, Arab League, international community or U.S. Government?

This interview with Secretary of State Hillary Clinton deserves close analysis for a reason that… Continue reading