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Analysis of the Responses to Hamas’s Political Document in the Arab and Muslim World

The initial responses in the Arab and Muslim world were characterized by suspicion and distrust while pointing out internal contradictions in Hamas’s political document… Read more

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The Devil at Hajj: Intrinsic and Extrinsic Violence in Islam

When the devil still matters… Read more

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Iran Goes Ballistic

While discussions of Iran’s growing strategic threat focus almost exclusively on its nuclear capabilities, Tehran’s massive ballistic missile arsenal poses a clear and present danger in the region as well… Read more

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Are Sunni Arabs More Afraid of Israel than Iran?

The enemy of my enemy is my friend… Continue reading

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How U.S. Policy Is Betraying Not Only Israel, but also Sunni Arabs

It seems the Obama administration wants to sabotage U.S. Middle-East policy… Continue reading

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After the Pax Americana

A three-bloc fight for the regional crown… Continue reading

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Israel and the Gulf States, an Alliance of Interests

Israel and the Gulf States draw closer together… Continue reading

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US Plays Monopoly, Russia Plays Chess

Whatever Putin thinks, he will keep to himself… Continue reading

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Dismiss the Egyptian People and Elect a New One

Starvation is the unstated subject of this week’s military coup… Continue reading

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Learning the Wrong Lessons from Ike

The real lessons of 1956… Continue reading

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The Folly of Arming Syria’s Rebels

What can the United States can do to counteract the glaring Islamization of rebel ranks… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: Malian Security Service Arrests Cheibani Ould Hama

Cheibani has been accused of various kidnappings and terrorist killings… Continue reading

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Turkey’s Changing Syria Policy: Giving Diplomacy a Chance?

Turkey’s Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and Iran’s president Mahmoud Ahmedinejad, meeting in Baku, Azerbaijan, proposed that the crisis in Syria be addressed through diplomatic methods and called for the establishment of an international mechanism for dialogue… Continue reading

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Who Gets to be the Caliph?

Who gets to be the caliph? After all, if you want to have a caliphate , as revolutionary Islamists do with much popular support among Muslims… Continue reading

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Obama’s “Secret” Plan on Iran’s Nuclear Weapons Issue and Why It Will Fail

The problem with the Obama administration is that it wants to pursue policies that may be acceptable to the day-dreaming cultural elite, but not to… Continue reading

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Islamic ‘Adult Breastfeeding’ Fatwas Return

Female workers should “breastfeed” their male co-workers in order to work in each other’s company… Continue reading

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The Iraqi Model: As Good As It Gets

Iraq is in a mess. Violence continues. Factionalism leads to endless bickering. Corruption is at high levels. Christians live in fear or flee altogether. Islamism is constantly creeping forward… Continue reading

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The Muslim Brotherhood in Saudi Arabia

The first Muslim Brotherhood activists came to Saudi Arabia in the first half of the 1950s… Continue reading

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Saudi Grand Mufti Calls for “Destruction of All Churches in Region”

And yet the West — with all its institutions of higher learning, including governmental agencies dealing with cultural and religious questions — is still thoroughly “confused” as to what Islam teaches… Continue reading

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Riyadh Enters the Yemen-Huthi Fray

On August 11, 2009, the Yemeni government launched “Operation Scorched Earth,” aimed at putting an end to the Huthi uprising that had destabilized the country’s northern province of Sa’da for more than five years… Continue reading

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Manufacturing Heresy: How the Mildest Muslim Liberalism is Turned into a Capital Punishment Offense

Nageeb Kashgari is a young man in a lot of trouble… Continue reading

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Ankara and Baghdad: A Parting of Ways?

Until now, Turkey’s presence in Iraq has generally been encouraged by all major Iraqi groups… Continue reading

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Saudi Air Force to Outnumber, Outclass and Outgun Israel’s Advanced US Jet Fleet

With its latest acquisitions from Washington and Europe, the Saudi Air Force will have more fighter-bombers of more advanced models that the Israeli Air Force… Continue reading

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America and the Arab Spring

A year ago this week, on January 25, 2011, the ground began to crumble under then-Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak’s feet… Continue reading

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Iranian Nuclear Scientist Assassinated in Tehran

Prof. Mostafa Ahmadi-Roshan, deputy director of the first uranium enrichment facility at Natanz, was killed early Wednesday… Continue reading