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WikiLeaks: China’s approach to Iran’s nuclear (weapons) program triggers concerns

China opposes expanded sanctions against Iran over its nuclear program according to leaked wikileaks cables… Continue reading

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Sunni Realignments

Despite threats from Iran to withdraw financial aid and training for militants… Continue reading

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Iranian speculations on Egypt’s Islamists: Shi’ite-style revolutionaries or Turkish-style democrats?

There have been various speculations in Iranian press on the significance of the Islamists’ victory and the nature of the Islamist faction in Egypt… Continue reading

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Obama’s Middle East Policy: A Unified Field Theory

Here’s an effort to bring together all of Obama’s regional policy into a single analysis and explaining everything… Continue reading

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Overviewing Shi’a-Sunni Conflicts

As we approach the end of the first year of what has been called the Arab Spring… Continue reading

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Iranian terrorist cell exposed in Bahrain

A terrorist cell was recently exposed in Bahrain, which according to the Bahraini and… Continue reading

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The Coming Oil-Shale Revolution?

To preface, when it comes to global petroleum supplies, a distinction is drawn between… Continue reading

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Jordan’s King Abdullah meets with Abbas discussing Syria and Israel-Palestinian issue in a rare West Bank visit

Jordan’s King Abdullah II arrived in Ramallah at very short notice for his first visit in more than a decade… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: Syrian-Iranian Show of Solidarity Masks Tensions over Iraq, Yemen and War with Israel

Assad resisted Iranian arguments for closer bilateral coordination in Iraq and Yemen and flatly rejected being drawn into a war between Iran and Israel… Continue reading

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Syrian army deserters hit intel facility near Damascus

The Assad regime suffered a major shock when self-styled “Free Syrian Army” deserters firing shoulder-borne rockets and… Continue reading

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King Abdallah of Jordan on How No One Trusts Obama’s Government

I think there is going to be less coordination with the West and therefore a chance of more misunderstandings… Continue reading

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Qatar’s Sunni Side

How could Qatar’s foreign policy best be defined during the Arab Spring… Continue reading

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Assessing Bahrain

Critics have often argued that Western nations have been hypocritical in their policies towards Bahrain… Continue reading

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The Iran Terror Plot Crisis: Big Trouble for Obama

Remember that Hillary Clinton ad about it being the early morning hours and the phone’s ringing in the White House… Continue reading

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Is Exposure of a Direct Iranian Plot to Launch Terror Attacks in Washington DC A Turning Point?

ABC News has broken a story about the disruption of a major Iran-backed terrorist plot to stage an attack on U.S. soil… Continue reading

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Will Abbas Back Down From UN Statehood Bid?

The tempest which Israel had tensely anticipated for September in the wake of a Palestinian bid for unilateral UN recognition of their state… Continue reading

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Israel’s Strategic Situation: Plenty to Worry About But Little to Fear

Since much of what I write about regional politics seems pessimistic… Continue reading

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Iranian press voices criticism of Turkey over its stance towards Syrian regime

Iranian media have recently taken a critical stance on the change in Turkey’s policy towards Syria… Continue reading

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Israel’s Strategic Standpoint: Mid-2011 and Mid-“Arab Spring”

There are two types of strategic perspectives in Israel today. They aren’t contradictory but they have different priorities… Continue reading

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Look Who Wants to lead the Middle East!

In the absence of U.S. leadership, others want to direct the Middle East… Continue reading

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The Emptying of Yemen

For the first time in its exceedingly long history, Yemen now threatens the outside world… Continue reading

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Iran: Reactions to President Obama’s Speech – “It’s all Words”

President Obama’s Middle East and North Africa speech was met with skepticism in Iran, and said to be an expression of… Continue reading

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The Key to Obama’s Foreign Policy: The World Turned Upside Down

I think I’ve made a breakthrough in understanding President Barack Obama’s foreign policy of punishing friends, rewarding enemies, and… Continue reading

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And The New Leader of the Free World Is…Saudi Arabia?

Since the United States is not leading the anti-Islamist forces in the Middle East and protecting the relatively moderate Arab states… Continue reading

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Obama’s Middle East Speech: The Opposite of Strategy Is Catastrophe

President Barack Obama’s big Middle East speech is extraordinarily important. I think that it has been largely misinterpreted… Continue reading