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The Foreign Policy Elite and Bureaucracy Starts Parting Ways with Obama

Perhaps the most important policymaking development of the last month has been President Barack Obama’s increasingly visible loss of… Continue reading

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Muslim Brotherhood: Obama’s Chosen Partner for Promoting American Interests in the Arab World

Barack Obama, President of Israel’s best friend and ally, has picked the Muslim Brotherhood movement of the Middle East as his chosen partner… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: Former Terrorist Says Al-Qaeda Lacks Financing

In a September 6 interview with liberal daily Al-Watan, former Al-Qaeda fighter Fawaz Al-Otaibi, whose surrender to… Continue reading

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Iran: Official Media Increasingly Criticized for Ignoring Syria Riots

Despite the escalation of Syria’s political crisis, most media affiliated with Iran’s conservative camp, mainly official media, have continued to… Continue reading

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Ansar-e Hezbollah: Recruiting Volunteers for Suicide Missions in Bahrain

From recruitment of suicide bombers to increased online presence: Iran’s radical right-wing government supporters step up activities… Continue reading

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Iranian Press Criticizes Persian Gulf Rulers

The tensions between Iran and the Persian Gulf states have escalated in recent days on the backdrop of the ongoing political crisis in Bahrain… Continue reading

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Saudis give up on US, instigate direct Gulf action against Iran

After giving up on US and Israel ever confronting Iran, Saudi Arabia has gone out on a limb against the Obama administration… Continue reading

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Clinton: The Situation is Unsustainable Because I Say So

Mene, Mene, Tekel, Upharsin. God hath numbered thy kingdom, and brought it to an end. Thou art weighed in the balances… Continue reading

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Reading Ahmadinejad in Riga

There’s nothing like having to explain a complex subject to people to improve one’s own understanding of the issues… Continue reading

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Saudi Arabia, Gulf States: Iran Is Attacking Us; Obama Administration: Excuses, Excuses!

How sadly ironic. A few years ago, the two previous U.S. presidents were trying to get Gulf Arab states to do more to foster an… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: Saudi Defence Minister Explains Targeting of Yemeni Rebels with Air Strikes

U.S. Ambassador met with Assistant Minister of Defense and Aviation Prince Khaled bin Sultan to relay U.S. concerns about sharing… Continue reading

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How And Why Most Middle East Regimes Will Survive the Current Turmoil

In discussing recent developments in the Middle East the framework seems to be: this is the era of uprisings so now every Arab regime… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: Israel – Calm Before the Storm?

Israel is deceptively calm and prosperous. The security situation inside Israel is the best since the outbreak of the Second Intifada… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: King of Bahrain Discusses Jordan, Saudi Arabia and Israel/Palestine

Bahrain’s King Hamad, despite some continuing worries about Saudi Arabia, expressed optimism about Bahrain and the region in a… Continue reading

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How Many Points did Iran and Islamists Score So Far this Year?

Events in the Middle East have moved so quickly that one almost needs a daily scorecard to keep up. This article will try to give a basic picture… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: Peace Negotiations Only Option for Afghanistan?

The remarkably moderate private views of a group of former Taliban regime officials are revealed in detail by the US embassy cables… Continue reading

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Multiple Crises – Yemen Next

Since the ousting of Tunisia’s Zine El Abidine Ben Ali and Egypt’s Husni Mubarak, the change Yemen is undergoing is lost in the dramatic events… Continue reading

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Why Moderate Arabs Are Horrified at Obama Administration Policy

I’ve seen a lot in media expressing the views of the Gulf Arab states and officials’ statements… Continue reading

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Israeli and Saudi leaders meet in Moscow as Palestinians ramp up Missile Strikes

As Russian, Israeli and Saudi leaders discussed the ramifications of the Arab uprising in Moscow and… Continue reading

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Building the New Mid-East

Today’s cartoon is from twenty years ago this month! Back then the media and all the pundits explained that as soon as the dust of war… Continue reading

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Bahrain Demolishes Statue at Pearl Roundabout, Site of Anti-Government Protest

Security forces in Bahrain on Friday demolished the Pearl Monument, a landmark that had been the site of massive recent anti-government protests… Continue reading

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Yemen Declares ‘State of Emergency’ after Protest Massacre

President Saleh announces state of emergency after dozens are killed in a crackdown on anti-government protests. Witnesses… Continue reading

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Deadly Crackdown on Bahrain Protesters, Iran Rattled by Saudi Military Intervention

The contest between Iran and Saudi Arabia and the Sunni-Shiite split in the Arab world were ramped up to a dangerous level… Continue reading

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Obama Accepts Prospect of Nuclear-Armed Iran

During the four days between Thursday March 4 and Monday March 7, the Obama administration switched its Iran policy… Continue reading

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What Should U.S. Policy be Toward the Current Middle East Situation?

People ask me what the United States should be doing toward the upheavals in the Middle East. Here’s a short, quick list of themes… Continue reading