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Ahmadinejad’s Iran and Bin Laden’s al-Qaeda

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad infuriated Americans last week when he claimed that America had exaggerated the death toll from al-Qaeda’s September 11, 2001 attacks… Continue reading

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Iranian Posters to Persuade Women to Wear a Hijab

Forcing women to wear a Hijab is seen as a far greater virtue in Iran’s Shi’ism and Saudi’s Wahhabism than the freedom of choice, freedom of self-expression and… Continue reading

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Poll Shows the Shocking Reality of Arab Public Opinion

As long as there is a huge gap between the actual Middle East and the fantasy Middle East so dear to many Western academics, journalists, and diplomats, the region will remain… Continue reading

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The Jundollah Terrorist Organization Claimed Terrorist Attack in Iran

The Jundollah terrorist organization, also known as People’s Resistance Movement of Iran (PRMI), claimed responsibility for the terrorist attack, saying it was… Continue reading

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The Survival of Traditional Regimes in the Persian Gulf

If you had told experts in the mid-1960s that a half-century later every king and emir then ruling in the Persian Gulf would still be there, most would have been astonished… Continue reading

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The Persistence of Islamic Slavery

Slavery was taken for granted throughout Islamic history, as it was, of course, in the West as well up until relatively recent times. Yet while the European and American slave trade get stern treatment attention from historians, the Islamic slave trade, which actually lasted longer and brought suffering to a larger number of people, is virtually ignored… Continue reading

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Turkey’s Brinkmanship Against Israel

The Gaza Flotilla was a well-calculated stunt by Turkey’s Islamist AKP government to punish Israel, not only for the Islamists’ inherent hatred for Israel and Jews, but also for Israel’s past… Continue reading

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Gaza Flotilla Participants: Writing Wills, Preparing for Martyrdom, Determined to Reach Gaza or Die

Following is information from the Arab media about some of the flotilla participants. It should be noted that many of these were from the Muslim Brotherhood across the Muslim world… Continue reading

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Praising Military Slavery

If Saleh Al-Fawzan, a prominent Saudi religious figure justifies slavery in Islam, why not an Egyptian writer praise the Muslim practice of slavery… Continue reading

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Russian President Meets Khaled Mashaal in Damascus

Before Israel’s president Shimon Peres had time to unpack his bags from his Moscow visit, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev was closeted with the Palestinian terrorist leader, Hamas’ Khaled Meshaal. Medvedev’s surprise meeting with the Hamas leadership was perceived as yet another slap in the face to both Washington and Jerusalem… Continue reading

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The Obama Administration’s Middle East Disaster

Here are nine huge problems going on right now that are not being addressed by the U.S. government and are barely comprehended by the U.S. debate and large portions of the mass media… Continue reading

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A Matter Of Taste

The elections to the UN Human Rights Council brought onto that body such human rights’ violators as Libya, Angola, Malaysia, and Uganda. Indeed, 80 percent of UN members, thought the Qadhafi dictatorship… Continue reading

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“Slavery Is A Part Of Islam”

Sheik Saleh Al-Fawzan is a leading Saudi Government cleric and author of the country’s religious curriculum and he believes Islam advocates slavery. Remember that Saudi Arabia… Continue reading

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Saudi Arabia and the Rise of the Wahhabi Threat

Al-Qaeda represents Wahhabism in its purest form – a violent fundamentalist doctrine that rejects all non-Wahhabi Islam, especially the spiritual forms of Islam. Wahhabism is an expansionist sect intolerant of… Continue reading

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An Interview with Vijay Kumar

This interview is a must read. While this interview focuses more on the political situation in the United States, it also gives a realistic picture of Islam. Kumar Vijay calls it the literal Islam. Some time ago, I indicated… Continue reading

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Israel Is Not An Apartheid State

Dr. Mohammed Wattad, an Arab Israeli Muslim who is a senior lecturer at Zefat College’s School of Law and editor of the International Journal on Medicine and Law told an audience here that Israel is not an apartheid state… Continue reading

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Sharon’s Statement on Czechoslovakia – Background

Do you see much difference between what happened with Bush and Sharon and what is happening now between Obama and Netanyahu? The subversive elements in the US-Israeli relationship have been playing their role much… Continue reading

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The Arab Apartheid Week

The Jewish state is being demonized in more than 30 cities across the world as part of the annual hate-fest known as “Israel Apartheid Week”, which aims to tarnish the country’s image by portraying it as akin to the racist regime which ruled South Africa… Continue reading

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It Is A Clash Of Civilizations

In a SPIEGEL interview, Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman, discusses his country’s controversial settlement policies, the threat posed by Iran’s nuclear program and the seeming hopelessness of the conflict with the Palestinians… Continue reading

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Saudi Arabia seeks strike on Iran

The German news magazine Der Spiegel has reported that Saudi Arabia is hoping Israel will strike Iran’s nuclear facilities, and is even prepared to open its skies to Israeli warplanes to allow such an operation to take place… Continue reading

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Al-Gaddafi, Wilders and the Jihad Against Switzerland

Ever since the triumphs of Islam’s prophet became the ultimate inspiration for jihadism almost 14 centuries ago, Muslims have especially revered the bellicose, conquering Muhammad of Medina… Continue reading

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Defeating Eurabia – Part 1

This is the first of five installments of Fjordman’s book Defeating Eurabia…. Continue reading

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What if the Taliban Wins the War on Terror?

What will happen with the Afghan people and the rest of the world when facing a strong and revived Taliban with it’s backward islam and hate against western values and zionist presence in Israel… Continue reading

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Palestine: a Threat to Israel

What, exactly, are the major strategic risks to Israel posed by an independent Palestine? To answer this question, one must first understand that several of the Arab states are still preparing for war with Israel, and that a new Arab state in Judea/Samaria/Gaza would open another hot border for the Jewish state… Continue reading

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The Enemy Behind Islamic Fascism

70% of all Muslim schools (Madrasah) and mosques in the west are funded by Saudi Arabia and staffed with Wahhabi clerics. These are the training schools of the Taliban in Pakistan and elsewhere. The Muslim Brotherhood too is widespread among Muslim organizations… Continue reading