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Our World: Why Borders Matter

A reader asks whether there are any defensible borders in the modern world because it is possible to fire missiles or rockets across a border… Continue reading

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Obama At AIPAC: Beneath The Flattery, He Revealed His Indifference to Israel’s Needs and His Tilt Against It

I expected President Barack Obama’s AIPAC speech would be a bunch of feel-good clichés to persuade the audience that he is… Continue reading

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Israeli Leaders Succumbed to a “Ceasefire” Deal, but Hamas will Press On with its Terrorist Campaign

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Ehud Barak were expected at long last to instruct… Continue reading

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Veel van de Buitenlandse Media in Israel is Onprofessioneel en Oneerlijk

In een lang afscheidsinterview met de Jerusalem Post laat Seaman, enigzins teleurgesteld, al zijn opgehoopte frustraties de loop over zijn werk en de verhoudingen tussen de Westerse media en Israël. Het is dus een openhartig interview geworden, maar het belangrijkste… Lees verder

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Terrorism and Israeli-Palestinian conflict

This past week, despite the events on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, there was a decrease in the amount of rocket and mortar shell fire. One mortar shell hit was identified in an open field near the southern Israeli city of Sderot (October 7, 2009). There were no casualties and no damage was done. Elements within the Army of the Nation (a network affiliated with the global jihad) claimed responsibility for the attack, calling it retaliation for the events at Al-Aqsa mosque… Continue reading