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“And What Do You Want to Say to the Iraqi People?”

I’ve been interviewed a number of times, for example, by Iraqi journalists. But this time there was a different kind of question at the end of the interview… Continue reading

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The Middle East: Brave New World or Scary New Master?

If you want a sense of where the Middle East is going, consider this viewpoint from an unlikely source… Continue reading

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Watching the new state of South Sudan fall into chaos

The worst problem South Sudan faces is tribalism, despite the unity that was cultivated among South Sudanese rebels during decades of resistance to Khartoum’s aggressive campaigns of Islamization… Continue reading

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Assessing Bahrain

Critics have often argued that Western nations have been hypocritical in their policies towards Bahrain… Continue reading

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Arab Political Upheavals: Obsession with Israel Blinded Westerners to the Real Middle East

As we consider the lessons of the dramatic upheavals in Arabic-speaking countries one of the main ones is this: the overriding obsession with… Continue reading